696 journeys on foot

Saturday 23 May 2015

As we come to the end of Walk to School Week, there have been 696 journeys to school on foot and the class competition was very close.

So, winning by just seven journeys, Reception will receive the martial arts session with John from White Rose Martial Arts, who runs one of our after-school clubs, after the half term break.

Here are some comments made by children about their journeys to school on foot:

We’re sure you’ll agree these are all great benefits of walking to school.  Have a look at our walk to school video for some more facts to persuade you to use a sustainable method of travelling to school, in turn reducing congestion at the school gates.

Well done to our Where’s Wally? competition winners, too.

Let’s hope these numbers increase over the summer months along with journeys by bike and scooter.