Congratulations from the Minister of State for Schools…

Friday 30 January 2015

We’re delighted to have received a letter (26 January 2015) from Rt Hon David Laws, Minister of State for Schools, congratulating us on our work with disadvantaged pupils:

It gives me great pleasure to write to you and congratulate your school on your key stage 2 results for disadvantaged pupils since 2012.

Your results show that you are highly effective in educating your disadvantaged pupils.  It is clear that you and your staff have provided your disadvantaged pupils with a good start in life and prepared them well for secondary school.

[The letter then refers to the Pupil Premium Awards.]

I would like to congratulate your staff, governors, parents and pupils for their hard work and success, and thank you for your leadership in making such a difference to the future success of your pupils.  Finally, I would also encourage you to share your achievements with other schools so that they learn from your strengths and experience.

Yours sincerely

David Laws MP