To poll or not to poll

Sunday 31 July 2016

Typically, one of our training days in the school year has to be in May. This is so that it fits with polling day, which is nearly always the first Thursday in May. It’s not ideal for us because it follows the May Day bank holiday and is just before the Key Stage 2 SATs week.

The Leeds City Council Electoral Registration Office has provided this information to schools:

2017 is a fallow year,  therefore no local elections are due to take place. However, schools should be aware that the school may still be required for polling if any unexpected elections occur, such as a general election or a by election.

The local elections in 2018 are due to take place on Thursday 03 May.  Your school remains on the list to  be used as a polling station for the elections that will take place on Thursday 03 May 2018.

Because we’ve been told that there are currently no scheduled elections, we’ve decided not to have Thursday 04 May 2017 as a training day. Instead, we’ve moved the training day to Friday 12 May – this is the Friday of the SATs week – a welcome treat for our hard-working Year 6 pupils!