The last week of term proved an extremely busy one for all of us at Moortown.
The second Moortown’s Got Talent competition took place on Thursday 11 February. Well done to all who took part, especially to the winners, Tiraj, Pviter, Akash and Vikram, who impressed the judges with their drumming. A big thanks must go to Miss Kieran who organised the event, and to all other staff who helped out.
Also in the week was the School Council election for 2010-11. Last year’s councillors made some big decisions, including how the front of school should be improved and then later choosing the play equipment. I’m sure the new councillors will do just as good a job. The councillors are:
YR |
– Ahmed and Oliver |
Y1 |
– Madison and Mikaeel |
Y2 |
– Jessica and Tom |
Y3 |
– Faizaan and Henry |
Y4 |
– Aqsa and Rene |
Y5 |
– Sally and Chanda |
Y6 |
– Amana and Akash |
Thanks to all the parents who came along to the Homework Open Afternoon. This was an opportunity for you to look at some of the terrific pieces of homework that our children produce.
Finally this week, we welcomed three students from York St John University in York who were here to see the great work we do around inclusion and cohesion. They were very impressed by the work we do, with compliments about our supportive, welcoming and friendly approach and the pupil-teacher relationships.
Next half-term, a highlight to look out for is the Mental Maths Workshop, an opportunity for you to come along and find out more about what we do and a chance to learn more and support your child in Maths. The workshop will be on Tuesday 09 March, 6.30 – 8.00pm. Wine and snacks will be available. Hope to see you there!