Yesterday, the whole school enjoyed a sun soaked sports day at Roundhegians. Well done to all the children who took part and demonstrated School Games values of passion, self-belief, respect, honesty, teamwork and determination. We believe that sports day is an ideal context for children to explore these values. For example, learning how to handle success and defeat, believing in their abilities, respecting others and working with others to achieve success.
Special thanks go to:
- Roundhegians for providing excellent facilities and hosting our sports day
- Excellent sports leaders from Allerton Grange who ran the field events for Key Stage 2 and supported the younger children with their races in the afternoon
- PTA for providing refreshments for spectators
- parents who supplied and assembled gazebos to keep the children in shade at the event
- Year 5 sports leaders and Year 2 helpers too
- All staff who helped out on the day