22 April 2020: Home learning

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Good morning everyone!

Here are the answers to the Cats activity.

  1.  How fast can a cat run? up to 30 miles per hour
  2.  True or false? Cats that live indoors are safer than cats that go outside? True
  3.  True or false? A Sphynx cat has lots of fur? False
  4.  What might a cat do if it feels scared? hiss
  5.  A long time ago, who were cats were very special to?  ancient people in China and Egypt

Your tasks today are maths, writing and reading.

Task 1


Use your hundred square if you need to. Do you notice any patterns when you cross 100?

Count in 10s from 30 – 170

Count in tens from 190 – 60

Play ping pong tennis using your 5 times tables. (each person takes it in turns) How fast can you go?

Lesson 2 and 3

LO: To recognise and find a half.

There are 2 lessons on the White Rose site that cover halves. This is the scheme we use in school and the children are very used to it. Over the rest of this week, the children need to complete these two lessons – they don’t have to both be done today.


Following those lessons, I have provided some challenges to further the children’s understanding of equal parts and halves. Again, spread these out over the week.

Equal or unequal?

True or false?

All of these are split into equal parts.

Can you draw them and make sure the parts are equal?

Task 2a

Reread the fluency text for this week. There will be some questions to answer on Friday.

A Helicopter Tour Over London

Helicopter Sightseeing Tour Of London - Experience Days

Welcome aboard this tour of London, the capital city of England. Below us, over eight million people are living and working in one of the most exciting cities in the world. The famous River Thames flows through the city and it is full of slimy eels and oysters. Would you like to try some? Beside the Thames, you can see the tower of London, where the crown jewels are kept, and over in the distance is Buckingham Palace, where the Queen and the rest of the royal family live. Underneath the ground, in London, is a railway network known as the ‘tube’. What a fantastic city this is! 

Task 2b

Our Living and Learning statement this week is:

I recognise emotions in myself and others.

Recognising emotions is an important first step in helping us manage our feelings. For example, it’s ok to feel angry, as long as we try to manage it in a way that doesn’t negatively affect other people. It’s great to feel proud as long as it doesn’t lead to showing off.

Read the poem below.

Emotions Poems

 There are two activities linked to the poem. 

  1. Talk about favourite words and phrases.
  2.  Can you find a word, in the poem, that follows this week’s spelling rule?


Make a list of things that make you feel cheerful, sad, angry, frightened and calm. Why do you think I have coloured some of the emotions? What colours would you choose for frightened and calm?


Take a break! You've earned it - Success Kid | Make a MemeTask 3


Did you enjoy the beginning of the story?

I wonder if your predictions were correct?

Would you like to hear the rest?

Follow the story using yesterday’s link.

Sit back, relax and listen.


The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis and Gwen Millward | 101 things to do ...

This is what she saw!

Lots of bog babies!

Yesterday, you wrote lots of adjectives about the bog baby.

Today, you are going to write a character description using some of those describing words.

Let’s remember some MUST DOs!

I have written a couple of sentences to help you .

The bog baby is light blue. 

The creature has small wings. 


Join two sentences together by using a conjunction.

The bog baby is light blue and he has small wings.

Good work everyone!