Hello everyone
We hope you are enjoying the videos from your teachers. We have been told, by lots of families, that seeing your teachers helps with your home learning.
Try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a super online library of eBooks to read. on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/
Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.
Tuesday’s short story
Read by Mrs Freeman
Here are your tasks for today.
Task 1
Geography – Explorers
LO: To name and locate the major seas surrounding the United Kingdom.
Over the next few weeks, as explorers, we will be doing all sorts of things to do with oceans and seas, from boats to treasure maps, from coral reefs to sea monsters! We’ll get in the mood today by imagining ourselves taking a journey around our country in a seaplane – a flying boat!
Is it a boat that can also fly – or an aeroplane that can also sail on water?
Seaplane Scene
Close your eyes and imagine boarding the seaplane. I will read to you.
As the journey progresses, explain what you can hear and see as well as how you feel.
Carefully, walk up the steps to the seaplane. Strap on your seatbelts. Listen carefully to the safety announcement. Are you feeling excited? A bit scared? Nervous? Very happy? Listen to the motor of the seaplane. Is it very loud? Thunderous? Grumbly? The seaplane is rocking on the waves. Can you feel the movement? The seaplane is moving quickly, getting ready to take off. It’s going faster and faster… up and up… until you are high above the water, looking through your window at the sea below. The waves seem small. The distant land and all the buildings are tiny. The clouds are close. Now we are flying through the white fog, up and away over the sea, flying swiftly. What do you feel? Our journey takes us over the sea until we decide to fly down, down, down… to land safely back on the sea.
Open Google Earth. https://www.google.com/earth/
Navigate to the UK, hovering well above it so that the children can see the British Isles entirely surrounded by sea.
Can you see UK here? Which part of our image shows water? Which is land? Stress that the UK is really a set of islands, surrounded by sea.
Although all the seas join up into one great body of water, each sea has its own distinct name, a bit like places on land. Look at the names of seas around the country (you may wish to use the simple Labelled UK Outline Map – the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, the Bristol Channel, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic.
Look at this map.
Answer the following questions.
Has anyone seen any of these seas or travelled across them?
Locate Leeds on the map. Which sea is closest to us?
Which is the next closest?
Which is furthest away?
The UK is one country, but it is made up of 4 individual nations: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Using the map attached, label the different seas that surround the UK.
Why is Northern Ireland a bit different?
Task 2
Now for some music!
LO: I can spot energetic rhythms and repeated words or phrases in a song.
Which sea is mentioned in the song?
Perhaps you can make up your own dance with some actions? Have fun!
Task 3
LO: I understand what I have read.
Answer the following questions about the sea plane text.
True or false? The sea plane moved very slowly.
Are these instructions in the correct order? Strap on your seatbelts. Listen carefully to the safety announcement. Carefully, walk up the steps to the seaplane. If not, write them out correctly.
Why did the author describe the land as distant and the buildings as tiny?
Where did the sea plane land?
Remember to take regular breaks and stay safe!