08 May 2020: Home learning

Thursday 07 May 2020

Morning, everyone! Today, as you may know, was supposed to be a bank holiday. For consistency for those parents that need it, we’re still going to set some optional tasks. 

Before we get going, I thought you might like to see what the Year 2 staff have been up to.

First of all, Mrs Bharath has been busy learning to play the piano on a keyboard and planting some rose bushes.

She has also read a lovely book called The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. It is a story of friendship, relationships and life lessons for people of all ages. These unlikely characters discuss life, forgiveness, and the journey we all take on this earth. The characters have hopes and dreams, fears and desires, questions and advice for one another are a quickly becoming four of the most memorable characters in literature. Readers will be able to connect with the boy, the fox, the mole and the horse in many different ways and on different levels. Don’t miss this one, it will make you glow inside.

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse | lady.co.ukMrs Freeman, as you already know, continues to be busy in the garden. I had this Acer tree delivered and I’ve planted it into a huge pot. I wonder if the leaves will stay on the tree all year round? Thank you for all your suggestions about the chimney pots. I have added some lavender to one and some pansies to the other.

A message from Mrs Taylor

Hello Year 2

Hope you and your families are safe and well. We are missing seeing you all in person but thank you for all your messages and photos that you’ve been sending us. They really make our day and it’s great to keep in touch.
Here’s a photo of Abigail’s bedroom window.

We’ve been adding a different figure every day – who can you spot? It’s great to see families stop and look as they pass. Can you also spot what event we will be celebrating?
Until we see you again, keep learning, be active and look after each other.

Right, let’s get on with today’s tasks.

Today, is different to other days and you can choose which tasks you would like to do. Some of us are having VE Day celebrations in our gardens so you can also carry on with some of yesterday’s activities.

  1. Please ask someone to test you on your spellings, including the 2 extra words.
  2.  Test yourself on the times tables we have been learning. Can you beat the clock? https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
  3. Science: LO: What is a deciduous and an evergreen tree?

Look through this powerpoint presentation and discuss. https://drive.google.com/open?id=159jboa4ekNsIzEU5meobFZVhchJosY6r


  1. What does evergreen mean?
  2. What does deciduous mean?
  3. Can you name 3 evergreen trees?
  4. The Acer tree in Mrs Freeman’s photo is a deciduous tree. Describe what will happen to my tree.
  5. These photos are of 3 different types of tree in my garden. Can you describe the leaves of each tree? Think about how they might feel. What is the same and what is different?

Now, take a close look at this picture.

The four seasons of the deciduous Oak tree. The tree is pictured in winter, summer,spring and autumn. Can you work out which part of the tree is in which season?

What season are we in now?

Can you draw your own tree showing all 4 seasons? Splitting it into sections and using colour will help.

When you are out and about, look around at the different types of trees. Take a notebook and record what you see.

Well done Year 2!

Another week of home learning completed.

Enjoy the weekend!