Happy Friday!
Your first task today is Love of Reading.
Find your favorite book, sit back and enjoy.
Here is a book review for you. Choose your favorite fiction and non fiction books to review.
Task 2
Revision of money
Here are a few activities. You can choose all the activities or one/two.
The first activity is for you to pretend to go shopping. You need to buy 2/3/4/ items and work out how much you have spent altogether.
An extra challenge would be to work out your change from £1, £2 and £5.
Good luck!
Task 3
Repeat pattern making
When thinking about shape in your designs, don’t just think about the shape of the end product.
Shapes can be used decoratively for a lot of products too.
Tessellation is when shapes fit together in a pattern with no gaps or overlaps.
The following short film gives an explanation of tessellation and shows it working, or not working, with different shapes.
Tessellating Capitals
I know that when doing symmetry we often have a look at CAPITAL LETTERS. We could try tessellating certain ones, deciding on good ones to try and those that would be no good.
A simple one to start with is the letter C – see what has happened when I’ve tried to tessellate them:
Slightly different …
Do you see how they are different?
Now try another one or two for yourself!
Capital F also seems a good one, but maybe it’s a little harder.
I decided to lay two of them down like this:
Then playing about with putting them together I got:
This I was quite happy with, so I thought that having shown you, you could try some for yourself.
Here are some sheets to help if you need them.
Please send us your tessellations.