Week 12: 01 July 2020: Home learning

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Can you believe that we are in week 12 of home learning!

It is simply amazing how well everyone has adapted to this.

Please let us know if you would be in the class Zoom meeting as soon as possible. We are working on a date and time and will let you know the details soon.

Have a go at this morning challenge to warm up your brains.


You have the usual 3 tasks to complete today.

Task 1

LO: Extending sentences using connectives.

Complete the worksheets below.

Here is an example to help you.

If I could go into space, I would be lonely because none of my friends Space Space Research Transparent & PNG Clipart Free Download - YAWDwould be there.   



Task 2


Every now and then we will revisit some previous learning. Today, we are going to look at place value.

LO: revision of place value

There are quite a few activities here. You can have a go at all of them or maybe just 2 or 3 over a few days.

place value

100_square_number_challenges (1)

challenges  measurement

Task 3

Let’s think about your transition to Year 3.

Before our Zoom meeting, we would like you to complete the attached booklet. If you aren’t able to print it out then you can write down all your favorite facts about being in Year 2.


We are hoping to get a message from your new teacher to show you during our meeting.

Then, choose one of these activities to complete ready for Year 3.  The resources are all based on a superhero theme and include written and art activities that can be added to your classroom as a display. Here are some suggestions about how to use them:






Finally, here’s a short story for you to enjoy at the end of your learning.