Maths with vegetables

Thursday 01 October 2020

In maths, the children have been learning to use the language equal to, more than, less than, fewer and  greater than‘ to compare objects.

I know that 5 is less than 7 and 7 is greater than 5.

In our first lesson, the children struggled a little with this concept. So, today, we used some real life objects to help us to compare.

This hoop has the most carrots in.
There are less carrots here.
Charlie said ” There are more potatoes than carrots because eight is greater than five.”


Grace noted, “The carrots and potatoes are equal. I know this because they both have five.”

Try this one at home with your child. It may help to draw pictures.

Mrs Freeman has 7 apples in one hand. 8 Seven Apples Circle Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from  DreamstimeShe has fewer apples in the other hand. How many apples could Mrs Freeman have in her other hand?