Our new science topic this half term is…
With each topic, we have vocabulary for the children to learn and use. Here are the words and their definitions for this topic. We often make up actions to match the words to help us remember them. Ask your child about these words at home – can they remember what they mean?
Our first lesson back in school was to learn about the parts of a plant. This video helps to understand the different parts and what their jobs are.
Can your child name the parts of the plant shown below?
The class worked in groups to compose their own plant made up of all the different parts.
We’re also taking part in the Grow your own potatoes project.
The first job was to plant the potatoes.
We’ll be observing the potatoes as the plants start to grow.
Finally, if there are any budding gardeners in the class, this article gives some ideas for children to do at home.