This term, our history topic is all about two inspiring, significant individuals. The children are learning who these people were, what they believed in and what changed because of them. Throughout the topic, the children will use words and phrases relating to time and chronology (eg old, new, past, a very long time ago, present, ancient, modern).
With each topic, we have vocabulary for the children to learn and use. Here are the words and their definitions for this history based topic. Ask your child about these words at home – can they remember what they mean?
- equality – being treated fairly and having the same chances in life
- rights – the basic things people need to live (eg food, housing) and reach their potential ( eg education, safety)
- apartheid – a system that keeps people apart, usually because of different skin colour
- racism – treating people differently because of the colour of their skin, their religious beliefs or their culture
- suffragette – a woman who campaigned for the right for women to vote
- protest – people coming together to show others that they are against an idea or an event
- impact – a strong and powerful effect on something or someone
- belief – a strongly held opinion that something is right
Throughout history, lots of people around the world have faced discrimination – where they are treated differently because of their race, skin colour, gender, age and lots of other things, too. Sadly, it still happens to this day! But there are some amazing people who have worked hard to make a change for better, and help us move towards a world where everyone is treated fairly and equally. One such person is Nelson Mandela.
The children were totally immersed in the learning and there were lots of questions about the apartheid laws. Ask your child about this.
Why were black people treated differently?
How long did Nelson Mandela go to prison for?
What happens when people feel they are being unfairly treated? Leonora Cohen was a suffragette, she was actively involved in the fight for women to have the right to vote in elections. This week, we have a live Zoom call from Abbey House Museum in Leeds. The children learnt lots of interesting facts about Leonora’s life, beginning with her birth in Hunslet, Leeds.
How many times did Leonora go to prison?
Why did Leonora travel to London and how did she feel?
Ask your child about the pictures below. What can they remember?