This week we have been talking lots about change. We have been looking at the way we change during our lifetime from being:
a baby
a toddler
a child
a teenager
an adult
someone that is elderly
The children were able to act out each stage and discuss the things that you can do during these times.
The children have been talking and drawing about the things that they are looking forward to in year one.
We had a great Sports Day on Wednesday. The children showed real courage taking part in races infront of their peers and parents.
What a wonderful year reception class have had!
It has been a pleasure being able to share the last 9 weeks of their journey in reception. Even in that short time, the children have been a joy to teach and shown great progress.
They are now ready to start their new adventure in year one.
Thank you for all of your wonderful cards and gifts to reception staff.
Have a safe and fun summer.