A fun maths game for doubles

Wednesday 04 May 2016

To help us remember doubles, we have been playing a game…


Roll a die (1-6)
Double the number rolled and colour that number.
Take it in turns.
The winner is the first to get three coloured squares in a row.

The children love playing this and they are getting much quicker at recalling doubles and halves. They are also developing their logic as they decide which square they are going to colour and how they can ‘block’ their opponent.

Questions you can ask: 
Which number do you think I want to colour next? Why?
If I want to colour this number, which number do I need to roll? (This gets children thinking about halving.)
How many ways can you win now?
Which square would be best to start on? Why?

The children said they would like to play it at home so you can simply download the image above or make your own. All you need is a die!