This week’s Living and Learning theme was: “I know I live in a democracy.” Children were tasked with writing a speech to run for School Councillor or a Talk Time about the importance of voting. I was bowled over by the quality of these speeches and the passion and confidence each candidate showed.
There were some fantastically creative campaigns!
A very exciting part of our week was our long-awaited trip to the Forbidden Corner!
Although the excitement seemed to get a bit much for some!
When we arrived after our long journey, the first thing we did was eat our lunch. We were starving and it was only 11:45!
We were even joined by two visitors (but we didn’t let them steal our quackers).
As we begun our journey into the unknown, we felt a little nervous, but we trooped forwards, just like real explorers would!
We even managed to spot Mr Catherall hiding in the trees!
The Forbidden Corner was a very strange place with bizarre twists and turns. We didn’t know what was coming next!
We were worried we might never get out!
Spot the real statues.
Our explorations proved truly a-maze-ing!
Here is photographic evidence of Year 3 breaking the rules!
We were the kings and queens of the castle! What a lovely view.
Our trip gave us chance to show our teamwork and map reading expertise.
It felt lovely to be outside with nature.
There were some impressive sculptures. This giant woodcutter inspired us to complete some brilliant artwork as you will see below.
His axe was pretty heavy!
This week, we tested our rafts to see if they would float with the weight of five marbles. First, we predicted what would happen and jotted down our method. Some of our rafts successfully floated!
While some of our rafts had a slightly soggy end…
But the experiment was a great learning experience as we discovered which materials floated and which unfortunately sank!
We also tried our hands (or feet) at football, this week.
Of course, we had to practise our celebrations!
To round off our diverse and creative week, we used a photo taken at the Forbidden Corner as an art stimulus. We drew the same picture four times but changed the media used each time: graphite pencil, wax crayon, oil pastel or pencil crayon.
After each drawing, our partner gave us a star and a step for us to improve in the next picture.
This allowed us to experiment with different materials and find out which we liked best; exploring happens in art, too!
What an all-round fantastic half term for Year 3. We’ve made massive amounts of progress in only seven weeks and I look forward to seeing what else is in store.
I hope everyone has a lovely week off. Make sure you keep on exploring!