As we begin our next topic (Extreme Earth), Year 4 studied the layers that make up planet Earth. Then, we boarded an underground explorer and ventured deep below our feet. The children were fascinated by just how much goes on beneath us. Using a peach, we compared the internal structure of both the earth and the fruit.
Following this, we went on to compare Leeds with the coastal town of Whitby. Using an atlas, map or globe, the children were asked to locate both places.

Remembering some prior learning, the class used some basic OS map symbols and the eight points of a compass to find and describe the whereabouts of each location.
I found the river that runs through Whitby. It is called the river Esk and runs for 45km. – Albie.
Albie was given the challenge to find the start and end points of the river. He tracked the flow of the river using Google Maps and commented on some of the geographical features alongside the water. Well done, Albie!
We discussed industries in both locations and Year 4 were able to confidently described aspects of human geography (eg land use, types of settlement) and physical geography (eg rivers and mountains, coastlines).