Scratch is a block-based visual coding program. Users of the site can create online projects using a block-like script.
Over the year, the children have done a fair bit of off line computing. Today, Year 4 were online and have been learning mathematical and computational skills that are built into the Scratch program.. The children were able to gain an understanding of important mathematical concepts such as coordinates, variables, and random numbers.
The class were asked to describe how they might use variables within their program. Then, after creating a background, the children were faced with the challenge of adding movement.
Having created algorithms before, the children were familiar with the term ‘debugging.‘
“Debugging is when you find an issue in the program that you have written and repair it,” stated Musa. A few children found errors in their scripts and were able to spot and correct them confidently.
Whenever we are using a form of technology in class, we always remind ourselves about the importance of staying safe whilst online.