27 March 2020: Home learning

Friday 27 March 2020

Morning, Year 1!

You’ve nearly completed your first week of home learning – well done everybody! I’m sure it has been quite strange, but you’re all doing an amazing job!

Here are today’s tasks:



Yesterday, you wrote silly sentences using some tricky words I asked you to learn. Today, I want you to see if you have remembered how to spell those tricky words.

Ask your parent/carer to dictate the sentences below one at a time and your task is to write them from memory.

I lost my teddy bear.

His fur is brown and worn.

One of his ears points upwards.

My friend and his sister helped me find him.

They were both very kind.

Once you’ve written the sentences, ask your parent/carer to check them. You get one point for a capital letter, one point for a full stop and one point for a tricky word spelt correctly.

There are 18 points available .  How many points will you get?


Today, we are going to add numbers within 20 using our knowledge of number bonds.

Using ten frames helps us to see how number bonds to 10 can help us with our calculations.


Answer the calculations below remembering to use number bonds to help.


Read this poem below – share it with people in your home. Draw a picture which shows your vision of this poem.


Can you learn a part of the poem and recite it by heart?

I hope you enjoy today’s tasks.

Mr Parker