Happy Thursday everyone!
We hope that your week is going well. Please remember to check out our class news page on the school website. There are some useful ideas to help with home learning and lots of photos too.
Thank you to all those who are sending in work and (more importantly) keeping in touch. We would like to hear from everyone and, this two way communication, is incredibly important for the children.
Today’s tasks are geography, maths and writing.
Task 1
This lesson is on the BBC Bitesize website and fits perfectly with our new topic – Explorers.
Learn about the four countries of the UK and their capital cities.
This lesson includes:
a video to help you understand a map of the UK and its four countries
descriptions of the seasons and basic geographical terms
two practice activities
Task 2
Have some fun with your 5 times table!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZAqhF_2vvs x five tables
LO: arrays and related facts
Children will explore multiplication using arrays. Arrays are sets of objects arranged in rows and columns to make a rectangle. Help your child recognise arrays in the real world. Egg boxes, ice cube trays, and windows in a building can all be arrays.
You could play a game with your child to spot arrays when you are travelling to school or going on a walk. It could also be a good idea to ask your child to build arrays from small objects like grapes or buttons. Can they arrange the objects into different arrays? For example, 6 objects can be made into several different arrays:
Can you go on an array hunt?
Send your arrays to us.
In Year 2, children will solve multiplication and division problems using the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables. They will use the ‘×’, ‘÷’, and ‘=’ symbols to record calculations.
Your child will be introduced to times tables at school. The focus this year is on the 2, 5, and 10 times tables.
Find out what multiplication facts your child already knows, and then see if they can work out more. For example:
Children might know that 5 × 7 = 35.
From this, they can work out related division and multiplication facts: 35 ÷ 7 = 5, 35 ÷ 5 = 7 and 7 x 5 = 35.
Have a go at finding 3 related facts for each of these.
Remember, two multiplication and two division facts.
Use real five pence pieces to help.
Task 3
LO: To sequence events in a story.
The Bog Baby
Have a look at the pictures below.
You task is to put them into the correct order by numbering them.
In your book, write the number of the picture and then a sentence of what is happening in that part of the story. You only need to write one sentence for each picture.
If you’d like to draw your own sketches to go with your sentences then they need to match the ones below.