24 April 2020: Home learning

Thursday 23 April 2020


How did you get on yesterday?

Today, your tasks are reading, maths and writing/spelling.

Task 1


LO:  I understand what I have read.

You will need this week’s fluency text in front of you. There are 4 questions to answer.

Helicopter Sightseeing Tour Of London - Experience DaysWelcome aboard this tour of London, the capital city of England. Below us,  over eight million people  are living and working in one of the most exciting cities in the world.  The famous River Thames flows through the city and it is full of slimy eels and oysters. Would you like to try some? Beside the Thames, you can see the tower of London, where the crown jewels are kept, and over in the distance is Buckingham Palace, where the Queen and the rest of the royal family live. Underneath the ground, in London, is a railway network known as the ‘tube’. What a fantastic city this this!

Task 2


There are two activities for your times tables test. Please complete them by yourself and then ask an adult to mark them for you.

LO: I can recognise a quarter.

This lesson (4) is on the link below.



Show your working out.

Well done!

Take a break.

Task 3


Spelling – Drop the y for an i.

Please test the children on the coloured words. It often helps to put the word into a sentence.

Lots of babies were in the park.

lorry family party cherry city baby lady worry
lorries families parties cherries cities babies ladies worries

LO: adjectives

You have done a lot of writing this week – well done!

Today, you are going to need your adjective head on!

We are going to think about where bog baby lives.

I wonder what it is like?

Choose one of the settings below and list adjectives to describe it. If you are feeling artistic, then draw the setting into your book and put your adjectives all around it.

Lily pond and bridge, Monet's Garden, Giverny, Normandy, France ...


Peat-bog - Forest Marshland Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free ...

Bog | wetland | Britannica

Remember to write the noun you are describing. 

dripping water

buzzing bees

soft breeze

drifting clouds 

Think about using your 5 senses.

Close your eyes and listen to these woodland sounds.

Well done!

You have worked hard this week. Mrs Freeman and Mrs Taylor are very proud of you all!

Enjoy the sunshine! Sunshine Press - Sunshine Press updated their profile picture ...