04 May 2020: Home learning

Sunday 03 May 2020

Happy Monday Year 2!

We hope that you have all enjoyed your weekend.  

Mrs Freeman and Mrs Taylor are alternating (weekly) setting the home learning. Please contact either of us through the week. However, it is likely to be whoever has set the work that will respond. Thank you

Here are some messages from Mrs Freeman. Hope they work! Crossed Fingers Emoji (U+1F91E)



It is remarkable how well the children have adjusted to the current situation.  It has been great to see so much learning going on at home.

Please stay in touch.                                                                    jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org                  carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org

First of all here are the answers to the Venus Fly Trap activity.

Venus flytrap answers (1)

Today’s tasks are spellings, reading and maths.

Task 1


Here are your spellings for the week.

All the words are homophones or near homophones. A homophone is a word which sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning. They are often, but not always, spelt differently.

Please copy the words into your home learning book using a staircase.

here         hear
quite       quiet
one          won
hole         whole
blue          blew
night       knight
break       brake
our            hour

I am giving you two extra words to spell this week. These are words that are misspelt a lot in class.

Task 2

Reading fluency                                                                                                                         In class, we often have mindfulness sessions. These activities can boost the quality of our lives in many ways. In today’s rush, we all think too much—seek too much—want too much—and forget about the joy of just being.

Mindfulness in School: 5 Ways to Reduce Child Anxiety & Stress

During these unsettled times, we all have more time to just sit and think.

Why Do We Need Mindfulness?
Being mindful helps you:

Read the poem below. Make a note of any new words or phrases.

Breathe and Be 

illustration of a snow scene

I breathe slowly in,
I breathe slowly out. My breath
is a river of peace.
I am here in the world.
Each moment I can breathe and be. ​

child under a tree

​I watch the stream.
Each thought is a floating leaf.
One leaf is worry,
another leaf is sadness.
The leaves drift softly away.

illustration of children sitting around a campfire

I breathe slowly in,
I breathe slowly out. My breath
is a pathway of peace
moving softly through me.
Each day I can breathe and be.

Please read this poem every day. Try sitting or lying down in different positions or places.

I would like you to send some pictures, or films, of yourselves reading your fluency text out loud. Towards the end of the week, I will put them together for a class news post.

Get reading!

Mrs Freeman

Optional activity

The Safari exercise is a great way to help kids learn mindfulness. This activity turns an average, everyday walk into an exciting new adventure.
Tell your children that you will be going on a safari: their goal is to notice as many birds, bugs, creepy-crawlies, and any other animals as they can. Anything that walks, crawls, swims, or flies is of interest, and they’ll need to focus all of their senses to find them, especially the little ones.
Adults can do this too!                                                                                                             A similar exercise for adults is the mindfulness walk. This exercise provokes the same response in children that a mindful walk elicits in adults: a state of awareness and grounding in the present.

Task 3



Write these numbers as words.                                                                                              99                                                                                                                                                       37                                                                                                                                                         12                                                                                                                                                         54                                                                                                                                                        8                                                                                                                                                           76

LO: Fact families addition and subtraction bonds to 20

Complete this lesson.

