Hi everyone
First of all, here are the answers to yesterday’s maths.
Mrs Maqbool has been writing a journal during her time at home. She has recorded a beautiful poem and hopes you all enjoy it.
Lots to do today! Shall we crack on?
Yes, I hear you all shout!
Task 1
LO: To describe turns.
Let’s dance!
We are going to continue with using positional and directional language. This fits in well with our geography learning. I have explained your learning on the slides below.
Using your maths learning, complete this pirate activity.
Task 2
Listen to chapter 3 of How to NOT go to school.
Chapter 3
What about friends?
LO: I can look for clues in a text.
Here are 3 imaginary friends mentioned in this chapter. Each friend has 2 questions to answer.
Evil Eggbert
He’s about the size of an egg and he sits on my shoulder telling me to do shockingly evil things. Once, he told me to trap my little brother under a laundry basket with three heavy dictionaries on top to stop him escaping. Don’t worry… I almost never do what Eggbert tells me to.
- True or false? Evil Eggbert is a kind, caring friend?
- Explain what type of friend you think he is.
Parsley the Imaginary Guinea-Pig
I invented her before I had any real guinea-pigs. And then it wouldn’t have been fair to get rid of her just because I got real ones. Anyway, the real guinea-pigs don’t mind that she’s imaginary. Also, I named her after myself because I was really young then and didn’t have a very good imagination.
- What is the name of the imaginary guinea-pig?
- Explain why this name was chosen.
PomPom the Ninja
He’s an imaginary ninja who looks after the imaginary unicorns at the end of my garden. Sometimes the other ninjas make fun of him for liking unicorns so much, but he doesn’t mind because unicorns are AWESOME. (They eat fairy dust and poop RAINBOWS)
- What job does PomPom the Ninja do?
- Does he work inside or outside? Explain how you know.
Finally, choose your favourite imaginary friend. Draw a picture of them and label it.
Task 3
This lesson was posted on Friday. If you have completed it then have a go at some tree art. Be as creative as you like. You could choose do create a full tree or part of one. Here are some ideas.

LO: What is a deciduous and an evergreen tree?
Look through this powerpoint presentation and discuss. https://drive.google.com/open?id=159jboa4ekNsIzEU5meobFZVhchJosY6r
What does evergreen mean?
What does deciduous mean?
Can you name 3 evergreen trees?
The Acer tree in Mrs Freeman’s photo is a deciduous tree. Describe what will happen to the leaves on my tree.
These photos are of 2 different types of tree in my garden. Can you describe the leaves of each tree? Think about how they might feel. What is the same and what is different?
Now, take a close look at this picture.
The four seasons of the deciduous Oak tree.
The tree is pictured in winter, summer, spring and autumn. Can you work out which part of the tree is in which season?
What season are we in now?
Can you draw your own tree showing all 4 seasons? Splitting it into sections and using colour will help.
When you are out and about, look around at the different types of trees. Take a notebook and record what you see.
Here’s a fun song for you to enjoy!
Well done Year 2!