Hello everyone
How is your week going?
Keep sending your photos. It is great to see what you have all been up to!
Today, we are going to start with reading.
Task 1
LO: I can use punctuation to help me read with expression.
Read and shiver at enjoy the monster poem, It’s Behind You! by David Harmer.
It’s Behind You!
Now, answer these questions.
What is the punctuation mark called at the end of the title?
Highlight all the exclamation marks in the poem. How many are there?
Why are they there?
Highlight all the words in capital letters.
Why has the writer done this with these words?
Read the poem again. This time, use the exclamation marks and capital letters as a guide to where to really stress lines and/or words.
Ask someone to listen to you read.
Can they hear how good it sounds?
What do you think the monster in the poem would actually have looked like?
Draw your ideas of the monster.
Task 2
LO: I can tell the time to the hour and half past the hour.
Complete the work on the link below.
You can have a go at drawing your own clock face. Draw on the hands and write the correct time.
Now, for a bit of fun! Let’s see what you can remember about last week’s maths learning.
Task 3
LO: I know which parts of a plant we can eat.
Complete this task.
You can choose to cut and stick the pictures or draw your own.
Extra activity
Observational drawing is drawing what you see and we have done this activity in class before.
It can be a flower, a person, a still life, a landscape, whatever. But it’s drawing what you see in front of you as realistically and as true to life as possible.
Observational drawing is a great exercise in seeing.
When we look at something with the intent of drawing it, we tend to look more carefully than usual. We see, truly see, the shapes, the patterns, the colors and the shadows.
Choose a piece of fruit or a vegetable to sketch. Look closely at the shape and patterns.
Here are a few ideas.