22 May 2020: Home learning

Thursday 21 May 2020


Welcome to yet another Friday!

These weeks seem to be flying by!

To start our Funky Friday, let’s get dancing!

Have you ever tried Bollywood dancing? Have a go by following the link below.


Task 1

Spelling test

The spellings this week have all had the suffix -ful or –less added to them (some words had both). Some of the words had an extra rule to follow when adding the suffix: drop the y for an i.

Your test involves putting the correct word into the missing space.

Can you write the correct words into the gaps?

Task 2


LO: quarter to and quarter past

At the top of the first sheet, you will see the answers to yesterday’s challenges.



challenges 1

Task 3

Freedom Friday

Just like last week, you can choose a task from my list or do one of your own.

  1. Vincent Van Gogh was a very famous artist. Find out more about him and his artwork here.   https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z4pvcdm

Who is Vincent van Gogh? – Who Are They? | Tate KidsSymbols of happiness
The Sunflowers is one of the most popular paintings in the National Gallery and it was the picture that Van Gogh was most proud of.

Why sunflowers?
Sunflowers had a special significance for Van Gogh. He made seven versions of them.
Yellow, for him, was a symbol of happiness.

Can you create your own sunflower picture? You can choose what to use to create it.

Here are a few ideas and a tutorial.


Year One Paint Vincent Van Gogh Sunflowers | Skippers Hill Manor ...Van Gogh | Kindergarten art, Kindergarten art projects, Montessori artVan Gogh inspired sunflower! Practical activity for KS1 | Van goghKids Can Draw: Vincent Van Gogh Sunflowers with First Grade Art ...

Sunflower Button Art by EverythingButtons.deviantart.com on ...

2. Plant/tree art

Have you ever tried bark rubbing or leaf printing?

Have a look at some examples below.

Invent your own plant or tree masterpiece.

Parts of a plant/tree--good plants unit art project! | Science ...Image result for tree parts preschool | Creative curriculum ...Leaf Prints | Kids' Crafts | Fun Craft Ideas | FirstPalette.combig leaf printing | Nature crafts, Fall crafts, Leaf craftsEasy Leaf Printing on Rocks Autumn Craft | Projects with KidsWhat I Pack In Our Nature Study Bag | Nature activities, Nature ...Leaf Rubbings | Kids' Crafts | Fun Craft Ideas | FirstPalette.com

3. Build a garden

Can you create a garden? It needs to have plants, flowers and trees. It can be a plan on paper or a 3D model. I know that some of you will love this opportunity. Have fun!

Design a miniature garden / RHS Campaign for School GardeningHow to make an Easter Garden - Jacintaz311 Best Shoe box garden images | Shoe box, Miniature fairy gardens ...shoebox kids craft garden woodland countryside outdoor scene ...Lego Challenge Cards | Teaching ResourcesLego Flowers (001) Building Instructions - LEGO Classic How To ...