10 June 2020: Home learning

Tuesday 09 June 2020

Hello everyone!

Hope you’ve had a good day. Here’s a question for you: which member of staff has been working at Moortown the longest? Clue: it’s not Mr Parker.

Here’s the answer from yesterday’s learning:

Y1 – capacity and volume – lesson 5 – tuesday – ANSWERS

Y1 Phonics – Tuesday – ee – ANSWERS

Here is today’s learning:

Reading  Y1 – Reading – Wednesday

Maths It’s Wednesday which is number bonds practice day! This week, I want you to practice your number bonds to ten. These bonds are super important and you’ll use them to help you, no matter what year group you’re in.

You can practice using this website. Click the link and then click Number Bonds and then Make 10.

Click on the worksheet for more number bond practise: Y1 – number bonds – wednesday

Grammar Click here for the grammar video and here is the link to the task: Y1 – Grammar – Wednesday