Good morning!
Today, you have the usual 3 tasks.
Task 1
Listen to this story about a cautious caterpillar.
Now, answer the questions.
Task 2
Now, it’s your turn to be a butterfly. Soon, you will be spreading your wings and moving from Year 2 to Year 3.
Who is this man?
Yes, it’s Mr Wain! He is going to be your new class teacher. If you look on our Class News page, you will see a short video he has made for you all.
You know a few things about Mr Wain but he doesn’t know much about you!
I’d like you to do one of the following activities to help Mr Wain get to know more about you.
- write a letter/postcard all about yourself
- draw and label a picture of yourself
- complete this booklet
tf-or-3-the-cautious-caterpillar-spreading-my-wings-from-year-2-to-year-3_ver_2 (1)
- complete this selfie activity
Task 3
Let’s get creative. Use your imagination to make and decorate a butterfly.
This one uses a footprint!
You can use whatever materials you like to create your butterfly. Here are a few more ideas to help.
Here is the outline of a butterfly. You don’t have to use it!
Enjoy this song whilst you work.