Hello children
First of all, I’d like to share a poem I wrote for you. I hope you enjoy it!
Task 1
Who was Roald Dahl?
I’d like you to take a look around the Roald Dahl Museum. There is so much to see and lots of online activities. Have fun on your visit and note down anything you find very interesting.
Task 2
LO: I can predict
Look at these closely at these pictures.
Now, answer these questions.
Who is the main character?
What do you think is in the box that’s on the seat in the van? Explain your answer.
Where could the van be going?
True or false? This story is set in a hot place. You need to give reasons for your answer.
Do you think this story will make you laugh?
Now, you can enjoy the film.
Were your predictions correct?
Task 3
Sing along with this song. Read the words as you go.
So long, farewell (from the Sound of Music)
There’s a sad sort of clanging
From the clock in the hall
And the bells in the steeple, too
And up in the nursery
An absurd little bird
Is popping out to say coo-coo
(Coo-coo, coo-coo)
coo-coo Regretfully they tell us
coo-coo But firmly they compel us
coo-coo To say goodbye
To you
So long, farewell
Auf wiedersehen, goodnight
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight
So long, farewell
auf Wiedersehen, adieu
Adieu, adieu
To you and you and you
So long, farewell
Au revoir, auf Wiedersehen
I’d like to stay
And taste my first champagne
So long, farewell
Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
I leave and heave
A sigh and say goodbye
I’m glad to go
I cannot tell a lie
I flit, I float
I fleetly flee, I fly
The sun has gone
To bed and so must I
So long, farewell
auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
Now, write a list of any words that are new to you. Can you find out what they mean?