The part-whole model is the concept of how numbers can be split into parts. Children using this model will see the relationship between the whole number and the component parts. This helps learners make the connections between addition and subtraction.
Last week, Year 1 started learning about the part whole model and how a number can be partitioned into two or more parts. The children were confident in creating the model and writing the appropriate calculation.
5 + 2 = 7
2 + 5 = 7
To build on this concept, we began to look at addition fact families. The children were taught that the order of an addition sentence can vary and they are now beginning to realise that addition is commutative.
Once the children were familiar with swapping the parts, in the number sentence, we explored whether the whole could be moved to create more fact families.
5 + 2 = 7
2 + 5 = 7
7 = 5 + 2
7 = 2 + 5