Welcome back

Monday 08 March 2021

Today, we were able to welcome our children back into class. It was lovely to see so many smiling faces first thing this morning. The children have had a great day and have all settled back into school life. We started our day by sharing our feelings and emotions.  Following this, we have had a fairly relaxed day and have spent a lot of time chatting and catching up with each other.

Here are a few quotes from the children.

I’m so happy to see my friends.

I’m looking forward to being able to play with my friends.

I have missed my teachers.

I feel excited but a little bit nervous ,too!

I feel really proud of all the home learning I managed to do!

My family are very proud of me.

I feel really cool to be back at school.

Please can you return your child’s reading books, library books and home learning books as soon as possible – thank you.