Living and Learning: Medicines: Who helps us to stay healthy?

Monday 24 May 2021

Today, Year 1 have been learning about different medicines and the people who help us to stay fit and well.  This was our second lesson introducing age-appropriate drug and alcohol education.

Today’s session focused on medicines; what they look like, how they are used and why people use them.  We explored how medicines
are used to treat illness in the short and long term as well as how some medicines can help protect people from becoming ill in the future.  The children considered the role of other people in helping them to stay healthy and well, manage, or recover from, illness.

Feel better scenarios

In pairs, the children thought about a time when they felt poorly and what helped them to feel better. Next, the class were asked to think of five different  people who help others to stay healthy and well. We discussed
their roles and the kinds of things they do.

A doctor can help to find out why you are feeling poorly,

The dentist keeps our teeth and gums healthy.

Cleaners are important people. They get rid of the germs.

A paramedic arrives in an ambulance. This can get help very quickly.

My daddy is a pharmacist. He gives medicines to people to help them to feel better.