Moortown Primary is a ‘single-form entry’ school. This means we take only one class each year and so have one class in each year group. Classes are limited to a maximum of 30 children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 (like all schools), and classes in Years 3 to 6 are usually around this size, too.
Key information about the day-to-day running of Moortown Primary School can be found here – everything from the price of a school dinner to important dates in the school year. If there remains something that you still need to know, we’re always happy to answer any questions you may have – call in or contact us.
Find out more about what makes us special
Find out how your child can join Moortown Primary
Read about our achievements and partners
The government sets out expectations which complement our aims and ethos
Stay up-to-date
Information about school dinners, free school meals, packed lunches and other food in school
Find us
Latest news from around the school
Read about the most recent Ofsted report for Moortown Primary
How we organise our school day
The results from end of Key Stage 2 national assessments
Find out more about physical activity and how we invest PE and Sport Premium funding
Some key policies and other points that might be of interest
Funding that is used to support children who may be disadvantaged in some way
Keeping children healthy and safe from harm
Find out how school and the local authority can support your child
Moortown Primary is part of a federation, but what is a federation?
Find out more about the different teachers at Moortown Primary
This section is all about how you can join in and be part of our community.
Moortown Primary is very much an active community. Pupils, parents / carers and staff at school are all important 'stakeholders' and we want everyone to have their say, to express their ideas and to keep on making our learning community a great place to be.
Do you need wraparound care for your child?
Check out the different events you can join in at Moortown Primary
Encourage your child to join an after-school club or take up an instrument
The ‘board of directors’ for our school
How you can volunteer to help us
Join in activities going on around Leeds
Democracy in action!
A group of parents / carers, supported by staff, who fundraise and organise social events
We want to hear any questions, comments and concerns you may have
We work with Red Kite Teacher Training, an Ofsted outstanding provider of school-based teacher training in North and West Yorkshire
Do you want to work in our happy and healthy place to learn?
Every pupil at Moortown Primary School is an enthusiastic, positive and expressive learner – but it's not just our children! We are all learners: we can keep on learning new methods, new facts, new points of view.
This section is all about learning and how parents / carers can support or join in the learning process.
News, updates and photos from your child’s class and the learning that’s taking place
An overview of principles and practice in the Foundation Stage
Your child's journey to school starts at home
Support your child's Maths at home
Support your child’s reading and writing at home
Find out what this week’s homework and spelling list is for your child
Learn more about the PSHE curriculum and other things that support children's personal development
Aims and structure of the National Curriculum for schools in England
Top e-safety tips
Learn more about our curriculum: its intent, implementation and expectations
Learn more about how we teach the early stages of reading and writing.
Learn more about Relationships and Sex Education at Moortown Primary
Discover how we promote your child’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development
This page is for our children - advice to help you to stay safe and be a happy and healthy person.