Pancake day
On Tuesday, we learnt all about Shrove Tuesday. We talked about some of the traditions that happen in the United Kingdom. One of the traditions we liked was the pancake racing that happens in Olney, Buckinghamshire. Of course, we had to have a go at doing this ourselves! Click here to watch our races.
One of our chilli challenges this week was to make playdough pancakes and write a list on ingredients.
This week’s poem was Pancakes by Christina Rossetti. On Tuesday, we created a tally of pancake toppings. We also enjoyed eating pancakes and saying the poem. Listen out for our fantastic use of prosody.
Class assembly
Thank you to all the parents/carers who came to watch our class assembly. All the children spoke loud and clear when saying their lines. We’re so proud of all of them. We hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed practising it.
This half-term, we’ll continue to review and revisit phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs. We will practise reading words with:
– double letters (h-a-mm-er)
– two or more digraphs (ch-a-tt–er)
– ending in –ing (l-oo-k/i-ng)
– s /z/ in the middle (visit sounds like v-i-z-i-t)
– s /s/ /z/ at the end (c-oo-k-s)
– es at the end (t-or-ch-es)
There’ll be no new tricky words this half-term. We’ll continue to recap all the phase 2 and 3 tricky words.
Help at home:
Practise reading and writing all of the phase 2 and 3 tricky words.
- World Book Day stay & learn session – 9.00am-9.30am
Come and read a book with your child. You’re child is more than welcome to bring in their favourite book. We alternate years when we dress up – this is not a dressing up year. - Don’t forget to write in your child’s reading record every week.
Our children love to do junk-modelling in our creative area. They love it that much I can’t keep up with them! It would be great if you could bring in a selection of recyclable packaging.