Spring 2: Week 4

Friday 17 March 2023

This week, we consolidated our understanding of the composition of numbers by investigating the numbers within 7. We investigated the whole number using the part–part–whole model, e.g. 5 is a part. 2 is a part. 7 is the whole. 

A key focus was partitioning 7 (splitting it into parts) and thinking about the missing part. We used cubes and Numicon to explore this.
This week, we continued to read and write longer words including words ending in -ing.
Help at home: Can your child use their phonemes fingers to write these words: looking, marching, farming, waiting, morning, winking, singing.
Every morning, after doing their morning jobs, the children do a morning activity. This week, they’ve been writing sentences about interesting pictures. We’ve been very impressed with their independent writing!
On Tuesday, we learnt about another spring festival called Vaisakhi. Sikhs celebrate Vaisakhi. It usually takes place each year on either the 13th or the 14th of April. After watching some videos about how Sikhs prepare and celebrate Vaisakhi, we created some saffron (orange) kites, as saffron or orange play a large part in Vaisakhi celebrations.

Next week, we’ll be learning about Eid and how this festival is celebrated.

Outdoor fun!