Living and Learning: Anti-bullying day

Monday 13 November 2023

Today we had anti-bullying day at school. We all came in odd socks to show that everyone is different and everyone is unique.

The whole day was dedicated to us learning all about what bullying was and how we could stop it.

We started off anti-bullying day by thinking about what makes a good friend. We had some brilliant ideas.

We spoke about what bullying means and looked at the JLT’s definition of bullying. We know that is has to be several times on purpose.

We spoke about what we need to do if we are being bullied or if we see someone being bullied. We learnt that we need to start telling other people. We wrote down someone people we could tell on handprints.

We read the story #Goldilocks, where we learnt about how to treat people online. We know that  we treat people the same face-to-face and online.

Help at home by talkinf about the differences between falling out and bullying, and between a one-off situation and something that’s happened more than once