Autumn 2: Week 5

Friday 08 December 2023

This week, we recapped all of the phase 2 phonemes. We also practiced reading words with ‘s’ at the end.

Help at home: Can your child read the following words?

ships, bags, cats, pots, cups, pins, digs

We’ve learnt all of the phase 2 tricky words. Tricky words can be challenging because we can’t sound them out – we just have to know them by sight.

Help at home: Have fun finding tricky words around your house.
How to play:

Poetry Picnic
Each week, we learn a new poem. We recite the poem each day. Click here to watch this week’s poem.

Owl babies
This week, we’ve been reading Owl Babies by Martin Waddell.
We drew a picture of our favourite part and retold the story using words and actions.
Click on the links below to watch some of us.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Next week, we’ll be learning all about what happens to our post when reading the story ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’. To enhance your child’s learning experience, we will be writing and then posting a postcard home.

If you would like your child’s postcard to be posted through the Royal Mail please provide a stamp in a named envelope by Thursday 14 December.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
This morning, we got to decorate the school Christmas tree in the hall. We had so much fun!
Don’t forget to attend a learning journey drop in next week! We look forward to sharing your child’s books.

Have a happy and healthy weekend.