Living and Learning

Tuesday 20 February 2024

This week, our Living and Learning statement is I recognise emotions in myself and others. Yesterday, we had fun looking in the mirror and acting out different emotions with our friends. We thought about what happens to our face when we experience different emotions. 

What happens when you do an angry face?

Rowan – Your teeth go sideways.
Rayaan – It looks like a monster.
Jasmine – I know it’s angry because she’s got eyes down and straight lips.

What happens when you do a worried face?

Zara – Your bottom lip comes out.
Teddy – Sometimes your lips can go together.

We also thought about what we can do if we see someone looking sad.

Zara – Ask if they are okay.
Teddy – If someone’s looking upset, you could say sorry.
Bryher – You could ask them to play with you.

Help at home: Talk to your child about their emotions . You could play a game of Guess my emotion by acting them out together.