Summer 1: Week 1

Friday 19 April 2024

Welcome back! We hope you all had a happy and healthy break.

This half-term our topic is called Life on Earth.  Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be learning more about life cycles. We’ll closely observe caterpillars to help us understand the different stages of a life cycle.

Yesterday morning, a parcel arrived at school… It was 5 tiny caterpillars!
On Wednesday morning, we used hand drills to make a bug hotel. We also used saws, hammers and screwdrivers. After that, the creative area has been really busy. They’ve really enjoyed making lots and lots of holes with the hand drills.

This week, we’ve started Phase 4. In this phase children will use the phonemes learnt in Phase 2 and Phase 3 to read and spell words with four or more phonemes and words ending in suffixes:
–ing, –ed /t/, –ed /id/ /ed/, –est

Here are some examples:
CVCC words: tent, damp, toast
For example, in the word ‘damp’, d = consonant, a = vowel,  m = consonant,  p = consonant

CCVC words: swim, plum, spoon
For example, in the word ‘plum’, p = consonant, l = consonant, u = vowel, m = consonant

CCVCC words: stamp, crept, twist
For example, in the word ‘stamp’, s = consonant, t = consonant, a = vowel, m = consonant, p = consonant

CCCVC words: strap scrub strong
For example, in the word, ‘strap’, s = consonant, t = consonant, r = consonant, a = vowel, p = consonant

CCCVCC words: strand strict sprint
For example, in the word, ‘sprint’, s = consonant, p = consonant, r = consonant, i = vowel, n = consonant, t = consonant 

They’ll also learn to read and write 18 new tricky words.

Help at home: Practise reading and writing this week’s tricky words.
said    so    have    like

Poetry Picnic
This week’s poem was called Pitter Patter.

Some more fantastic learning…