Super swimmers

Saturday 20 April 2024

UPDATE 26.04.24

Our team have qualified for the Nationals. What a great achievement – well done to all the children.

Our Year 5/6 swimming team competed in the English Schools’ Swimming Association North East Primary Schools’ Team Championship at the Grammar School at Leeds. A special thank you goes to one team member who joined the team late on.

All the children performed brilliantly throughout the afternoon competing against schools from Yorkshire. We are proud to announce the team came away with two silver medals in the freestyle (missing out on 1st place by just 1.2 second) and mixed stroke races.

Here are part of the team celebrating their success.

Following the team races, there was chance for the children to compete in individual races. In their breaststroke, backstroke and freestyle heats, the children came away with four 1sts, two 2nds, one 3rd and one 4th place.

The children were a credit to the school – supporting each other and giving 100% in every single race to get some great results.

A huge well done to the whole team.