We have finished Year One with a very busy week!
On Monday, we wrote some instructions about how to make a hand puppet in our new Year 2 books! I was very impressed with the progress every child has made with their writing this year and I know Mrs Taylor and Mrs Lake will be too!
On Tuesday, we made a wrap by choosing all the fillings ourselves. We worked really hard and the delicious wrap was the reward!
On Wednesday, it was sports day! Everyone tried so hard and I was really impressed with the whole class’s attitude and effort.
On Thursday, we had a last chance to explore the shared area. Lots of the children have been inspired by the Rabbit and Bear books we have read and started making their own!
The final thing to say is that it has been an absolute pleasure to teach your children this year and you should be very proud of everything they’ve achieved. I know they will all continue to do an amazing job in Year 2!
Both Mrs Roth and I would also like to thank you hugely for the extremely generous gifts and kind words. We are very grateful.
Have a brilliant summer!