The learning just keeps on coming!

Here are some more home learning activities for us all to share. Have a look at what your friends (and us) have been up to.

3D shape hunt
Mrs Freeman has been busy trimming some tress ready for new fencing, decking and a summerhouse!
super presentation
times tables weekly test
such concentration
descriptive writing
Keep this level of presentation up!
loads of learning
super spelling
Proud of her learning!
another great score

Keep up the good work!

We are incredibly proud of the children for having a go at some home learning. The feedback we’ve received has been very supportive and just shows how determined the children are to keep up with their education.

Using our class news page is a great way to stay in contact with each other and share the activities we have all been doing. As well as your activities,  we will also keep you posted with some of the things we have doing whilst away from school.

writing reports

Keep sending your pictures!

super writing
properties of 2D shapes
superb presentation
great description
busy busy
food preparation
Super writing! Keep a look out!
Mia in the sunshine.
Mrs Freeman and Mia getting plenty of fresh air.
rest and relaxation
interesting tally chart




professional at work
A clever poem using this week’s spellings!

Toys Now and Then

My toy is a cute snowman. He was knitted by my aunty.  He wears a blue hat and scarf and has 3 buttons on his tummy.  On his face is a really big smile and a red nose like a cherry.      Super descriptive writing –  well done!

The Taylor household has also been hard at it. Here are a few photos from Mrs Taylor.

outdoor learning
Mrs Taylor taught her daughter this move!
Joe Wicks PE








Year 2 have been learning some hockey skills in their  PE lessons. Having mastered how to hold the stick correctly,  the children then learnt how to control, dribble and pass the ball.

06 March 2020

The spellings this week are all contracted words. The first four contracted words start with I.
The second four all have the apostrophe used to replace the o in not.

I am                   I’m
I will                   I’ll
I would               I’d
I have                 I’ve
could not        couldn’t
would not       wouldn’t
should not      shouldn’t

We are continuing to learn our 5 times tables.

06 March 2020

This week the homework is Practice Makes Perfect.

In class, we have been learning about data and the different ways it can be presented. We have looked at pictograms, tally and bar charts.  

The children need to complete the sheets they have been given.

For a bit more of a challenge, we have asked the children to collect some data and then choose how to record it. This is optional.


Today, Year 2 were using different sources to find the answers to some questions. We discussed the different methods we could use to find the answers.

We could look in a book.

I could look online.

Maybe we could ask someone.

The children were given three questions about the history of toys. They had to do some research to find the answers.

When were marbles invented?

How old is the oldest teddy bear?

When was the Rubiks Cube made?

Keeping our passwords private.

Every time the children use technology, we have a discussion about the importance of staying safe online.

Can I take a photo of your learning? asked Mrs Freeman.

Yes, that’s fine, replied Jiya.

Did you know that the oldest teddy bear is 114 years old?

28 February 2020

The spelling this week are all contracted words. They all have the apostrophe in the same place: instead of the o in not.

  • do not            don’t
  • can not          can’t
  • will not         won’t
  • did not          didn’t
  • have not       haven’t
  • has not          hasn’t
  • does not       doesn’t
  • must not      mustn’t

We are continuing to learn our 5 times tables.