Living and Learning: Sun Safety

Working scientifically

Today, Year 1 have been working scientifically. As part of their ‘Growing Plants’ topic, the children began by looking closely at a variety of seeds. The first stage, in the life cycle of most plants, is a seed and these come in all shapes and sizes.

The class discussed the appearance of different fruits and asked some very good scientific questions.

I wonder whereabouts the seeds are?

If we cut the lemon in half, will we see a seed?

Why are the seeds inside?

I wonder which fruit will have the most seeds?

I think all the seeds will look very different.

Next, we sliced the fruits open and examined the insides carefully.

Each fruit has a different seed.

Next, the children examined the open pieces of fruit and sketched some close up drawings. These images concentrated on a small section or slice of the fruit and the class looked carefully at the colours and the structure.

Year 1 were very curious about this learning and they use appropriate  scientific language to communicate their ideas.


PE in our new playground

Today, Year 1 had their first PE lesson in the new area at the back of the school. It was great to have so much space!

The children worked hard to develop their throwing and catching skills. To finish the session, the class worked with a partner to see if they could aim their throw and get the ball through a hoop.


Welcome to the summer term.

Welcome back!

This term is set to be a very busy one indeed. Here is a quick overview of what will be going on in school.

Writing   Hand Writing Clip Art at - vector clip art online, royalty free &  public domain

The children will continue with handwriting, grammar and sentence structure learning.  Below are some of the age related expectations for the end of Year One.

  • To start and end sentences using capital letters to start, use a full stop to end, or question mark /exclamation mark.
  • To use a capital letter for ‘I’ and for everyday proper nouns.
  • To separate words using (finger) spaces.
  • To combine words to make a sentence.
  • To write sentences with one ‘chunk’ of meaning.
  • To say what I’m going to write and then compose a sentence orally before writing it.

Maths  Is Maths Mastery Right for the EYFS? | Learning and Development | Teach  Early Years

The class will continue with place value and counting work.

  • Count within 100, forwards and backwards, starting from any number.
  • Reason about the location of numbers to 20 and compare numbers.
  • Develop fluency in addition and subtraction facts within 10.
  • Count forwards and backwards in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.

Science           Stella McCartney Kids Green Fingers T-shirt - Farfetch

The children will be investigating, observing and describing  how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. They will find out and describe how plants need water, light and suitable temperature to grow and be healthy. Below is the specific vocabulary that will be used in our science lessons. Talk about these words at home. Does your child know any of them? Can you child tell you the definitions?

  • seeds
  • bulbs
  • temperature
  • growth
  • survival
  • healthy
  • mature
  • plants

Computing Topic        Algorithms for kids are a key to problem-solving - Penrose Learning <br/> —  Penrose Learning

The children will be learning about computer programming. They are going to discover what an algorithm is and what it needs to work effectively. We will be creating and debugging simple programs and  will use logical reasoning to predict what will happen when an algorithm is executed.

In some of our lessons, we have regular ongoing online safety messages. These are usually prompts and reminders about the important of staying safe on and offline. Asking for a person’s consent is very important and this is something we regularly rehearse.

May I take your photo?

Yes, of course you can.

Would you mind if we show your learning to the whole class?

No, I really don’t want to share it.

As well as programming, the children will be having specific lessons about the following;

Age Restrictions

• I know that some online activities have age restrictions because they have content which is not appropriate.

Digital Content
• I am beginning to understand what a digital footprint is.

Misinformation, disinformation and hoaxes
• I know that I shouldn’t believe everything I see or read online.
Fake websites and scam emails
• I know that some websites have secure markings (eg padlock symbol next to URL) that makes them more trustworthy.
Password safety
• I know that passwords are important and that I should not share them. Personal data
• I know that I’m too young to share personal information (eg full name, address, school, age) online.
• I know that there are adverts online which, if clicked on, may take me away from the page I’m looking at.
Online vs. offline behaviours
• I know that people should treat others respectfully when they are online.
• I know what to do if someone is mean to me or someone else online.
Impact on quality of life
• I know that being online offers lots of positives but that
there needs to be a balance between time being spent on
and offline.

Below is the vocabulary that links to the computing topic.

algorithm program debug
computer password personal information

As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or queries.


Maths: Numbers to 20

In maths, the children have been investigating numbers to twenty. By engaging in rich discussion, the class have been able to reason and explain the ideas presented. Over the last few weeks, the children have grasped new concepts well.  Have a go at these activities at home.

Today, we played a place value game using a 100 square. The children took it in turns to hide two numbers. Then, their partner had to work out which numbers were missing by using mathematical  language and by looking for patterns in the 100 square.



History: Inspirational people

This term, our history topic is all about two inspiring, significant individuals. The children are learning who these people were, what they believed in and what changed because of them. Throughout the topic, the children will use words and phrases relating to time and chronology (eg old, new, past, a very long time ago, present, ancient, modern).

With each topic, we have vocabulary for the children to learn and use. Here are the words and their definitions for this history based topic. Ask your child about these words at home – can they remember what they mean?

  • equality – being treated fairly and having the same chances in life
  • rights – the basic things people need to live (eg food, housing) and reach their potential ( eg education, safety)
  • apartheid – a system that keeps people apart, usually because of different skin colour
  • racism – treating people differently because of the colour of their skin, their religious beliefs or their culture
  • suffragette – a woman who campaigned for the right for women to vote
  • protest – people coming together to show others that they are against an idea or an event
  • impact – a strong and powerful effect on something or someone
  • belief – a strongly held opinion that something is right

Throughout history, lots of people around the world have faced discrimination – where they are treated differently because of their race, skin colour, gender, age and lots of other things, too. Sadly, it still happens to this day! But there are some amazing people who have worked hard to make a change for better, and help us move towards a world where everyone is treated fairly and equally. One such person is Nelson Mandela.


The children were totally immersed in the learning and there were lots of questions about the apartheid laws. Ask your child about this.

Why were black people treated differently?

How long did Nelson Mandela go to prison for?


What happens when people feel they are being unfairly treated? Leonora Cohen was a suffragette, she was actively involved in the fight for women to have the right to vote in elections.  This week, we have a live Zoom call from Abbey House Museum in Leeds. The children learnt lots of interesting facts about Leonora’s life, beginning with her birth in Hunslet, Leeds.

How many times did Leonora go to prison?

Why did Leonora travel to London and how did she feel?

Ask your child about the pictures below. What can they remember?

Leonora Cohen - YouTube

Object of the week- Leonora Cohen's iron bar

Suffragette City: Leonora Cohen And The Leeds WSPU At Skipton Library

Visiting the Tower of London: 10 Top Attractions, Tips & Tours | PlanetWare

Football skills

In PE today. the children were learning some football skills. After mastering keeping control of the ball, the class then learnt how to stop the ball.

With a partner, the children practiced passing the ball and using their feet to switch the direction of the pass to another player.

We will be doing our PE lessons outside (if the weather allows) so please ensure your child has an outdoor kit with suitable footwear.

Welcome back

Today, we were able to welcome our children back into class. It was lovely to see so many smiling faces first thing this morning. The children have had a great day and have all settled back into school life. We started our day by sharing our feelings and emotions.  Following this, we have had a fairly relaxed day and have spent a lot of time chatting and catching up with each other.

Here are a few quotes from the children.

I’m so happy to see my friends.

I’m looking forward to being able to play with my friends.

I have missed my teachers.

I feel excited but a little bit nervous ,too!

I feel really proud of all the home learning I managed to do!

My family are very proud of me.

I feel really cool to be back at school.

Please can you return your child’s reading books, library books and home learning books as soon as possible – thank you.



Year 1 would like to say…….

As we approach the end of a very different autumn term, the children would like to share a few messages with you all.

First of all, as parents haven’t been able to come into school to see what’s been happening in our history topic, the children wanted to share a very special song. This song is about the events of The Great Fire of London and includes some Makaton symbols and signs. Makaton is similar to sign language and aids communication and speech.  By using Makaton, the children (and adults) were able to take a more active part in the song. We have been very impressed with how quickly the class learnt the actions to fit the song. We hope you enjoy it.  

September 1666

Performed by Year 1          Great Fire of London for children | 1666 homework help | Great Fire of London KS1 | TheSchoolRun

Next, the children thought about some very special messages. They were asked to think about sending a wish to people, who are important, in their lives.

I wish ………..

Finally, we would all like to say a huge well done to all the children in Year 1. Over the term, we have seen the children mature, gain confidence, improve their learning and all with smiles on their faces. Year 1 staff are immensely proud of each and every child.  We thank you all for your continued support and regular communications.

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday! Free Vector | Merry christmas tree with lettering decoration