Year One Reenact The Great Fire of London.

To celebrate the end of our Great Fire of London topic, Year One  historians created their very own 1666 Tudor street. As the children placed their model houses in a line across the playground, they made sure there were no gaps between the buildings.

Ask your child why.

Then, it was time for the fire!

Ask your child where the fire began.

We watched in amazement as the flames spread from house to house. Every single building was destroyed!


Ask your child why the fire spread so quickly.

Then, we noticed a gap in the houses. The army used gunpowder to blow up some of the houses.

Ask your child why.

Ask your child what happened to the fire and what is this called.

We have been really impressed by the children’s enthusiasm and increasing knowledge about this important event in history.

Ask your child why history is important.

Well done, Year One!



A surprise visitor to Year 1

This morning, Year 1 had a message from a very special person.

Dear Children,

My favourite song is ‘Jingle Bells.’

I hear that you have been singing this s0ng and playing some instruments. I have left two special musical instruments, that sound just like the bells on my sleigh, inside your lovely doll’s house.  Please can you use them when you sing my favourite song? It would make me very happy indeed!

Merry Christmas


Shhh... | Funny emoticons, Emoji love, Emoticon faces

 It appears the culprit was captured on the school cameras!



For PE today, we used the large apparatus in the hall. This generated a lot of excitement ! The children were able to explore the equipment whilst developing control, coordination and balance. We discussed how to use space and apparatus safely and how to change movements to avoid other children.

What is a noun?

This week, the children have started learning all about nouns. There are two types of nouns.

Common nouns

These are the names of things (places or objects).

Proper nouns

These are the names of a particular person, place or thing. They always begin with a capital letter.

Today, Year One enjoyed doing a noun hunt around the classroom.

Here is a link for one of the activities we used in class. Have a go with your child at home. Or maybe, go on a noun hunt around the house.

What are nouns? – BBC Bitesize

Below are a few sentences. Can your child identify the noun?

There are pretty flowers in the garden.

I like to read a book.

The wood is dark and scary.

The farmer takes his animals to market.

The pig eats lots of food.


Curious Historians

As part of the current history topic – The Great Fire of London – the children have been using historical sources to ask and answer questions about the past.

Questions are tools of curiosity 

In Year One, the children are given plenty of opportunities to ask  questions and these have stimulated some great conversations.

To help develop and nurture the children’s curiosity about the past, we have a dolls house in the classroom. The class can spend time looking inside the house and studying the various items. As well as raising questions, we have been using this resource as an opportunity for writing. Using some of the vocabulary taught in history lessons, the children have been writing about the objects in the house.

I think the bath looks old and it doesn’t have any taps.
Is this pram old fashioned?
I think the shower is modern.
The photograph looks like it is from a long time ago. There isn’t any colour.
I think the telephone is from the past. I’ve never seen one like that before. I wonder how it worked?
Did they have prams like this a long time ago?
The sofa looks modern.

Keep asking questions, Year One!







In their PE lessons, Year 1 have enjoyed learning some of the basics of the game tennis. Each lesson has slowly introduced skills required to play a game of tennis. The children have learnt how to hold a racquet securely, how to maintain control of the ball and have developed timings for when the racquet connects with the ball.

Fire Art

What a busy few days Year 1 have had!

On Monday, we continued with our history themed topic and we spent some time looking closely at the colours of the Great Fire against the night time sky. Could we recreate it?

Using marbling inks, the class chose appropriate colours to represent the fire. Patterns were formed by floating the ink colours on the surface of some water. Then, the children used a thin stick to swirl and merge the colours. Finally, paper was laid on top and the colours were absorbed.

Once dry, the houses were created and placed against the background.

The results are simply stunning!


Maths: part whole models

The part-whole model is the concept of how numbers can be split into parts. Children using this model will see the relationship between the whole number and the component parts. This helps learners make the connections between addition and subtraction.

Last week, Year 1 started learning about the part whole model and how a number can be partitioned into two or more parts. The children were confident in creating the model and writing the appropriate calculation.

5 + 2 = 7

2 + 5 = 7

Making Sense of Number Bonds | How to Teach, Examples, and More : Maths —  No Problem!To build on this concept, we began to look at addition fact families.  The children were taught that the order of an addition sentence can vary and  they are now beginning to realise that addition is commutative.

Once the children were familiar with swapping the parts, in the number sentence, we explored whether the whole could be moved to create more fact families.

5 + 2 = 7

2 + 5 = 7

7 = 5 + 2

7 = 2 + 5

Ask your child to show you how to make an addition fact family using this model.




Zooming to the fire station

Today, the children had a Zoom call with the local fire station. This was a great opportunity to ask questions about the role of a firefighter.               West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service - Wikipedia

What’s it like being a fire fighter?  Keira

What do you do to stop a fire spreading?  Ibrahim

How many seats are there inside the fire engine?  Rohan

Do you do lots of different rescues?  Nate

Have you heard of The Great Fire of London?  Haleema

How much water can the fire engine hold?   Tyreece

How do you stay safe?  Matin

cherished-moortown-green-watch-copy - West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue ServiceClosure of Leeds fire station 'will lead to more deaths' | Yorkshire  Evening Post











Thank you, Moortown Fire Station!