Enjoying our shared area

We have been so impressed with all the children this week. On Monday, the class entered school with huge smiles on their faces and this has continued throughout the week.  Coping with new routines can be difficult for us all. However, the children have modelled how to do this well and without fuss.

As well as the classroom, Year One also have a shared area that is used as a learning space. This allows us to present the children with further learning opportunities and we will be using this area as an extension to our classroom.

The children have been taught how to use the area correctly and the importance of keeping it tidy. Below, are a few snap shots of how we learn in our shared areas.

Promoting a love for reading.
Completing a counting task. Building a wall for Humpty Dumpty and counting the bricks.
Constructing and counting.


We’re ready…

Welcome back to school everyone! Welcome back Year 1 – Parkside Community Primary School

As we welcome the children into Year 1, we would like to reassure you that the classroom and shared areas are fully prepared, and meet current guidelines to ensure a happy and healthy return to school.

We’re looking forward to seeing the children and getting back into a routine.

Below is a list of key points to remember:

  • Mrs Freeman will be teaching every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Taylor will teach each Thursday and Friday.
  • Mrs Bharath and Mrs Roth will also be working in Year 1.
  • Parents are not to enter the cloakroom or classroom. If you need to speak with us, then please make an appointment at the office.
  • Children DO NOT need to bring bookbags to school.
  • Please ensure your child has a coat every day.
  • Water bottles can be brought into school and can be refilled throughout the dy.
  • Homework books will be brought home on Friday (11th) and will remain at home.
  • Please email your child’s homework each week (by Thursday) and this will be shared in class. The children will be given a sheet of homework and new spellings every Friday. They will be tested on their spellings the following Friday. Please email jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org and carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org.
  • PE is on a Tuesday and a Thursday. The children are being asked to come to school   in their PE kits on those days. They will remain in their kit for the whole day.
  • The school uniform policy is on our website. Please check if you are unsure about any items of clothing or footwear. https://www.moortown.leeds.sch.uk/find-out/policies/
  • The staff and children will remain in their own ‘bubble’ throughout the day and regular hand sanitising will be carried out.
  • We aim to let you know about reading books this week.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Mrs Freeman/Mrs Taylor

Week 14: 17 July 2020: Home learning

Well, it’s the last day of the summer term. Sadly, the school year has ended in a very unexpected way. All the staff in Year 2 are incredibly proud of each and everyone of you.  well-done-23443783 - Tappy Twins

Today, I have given you some tasks about continuing to stay safe online. We have been using technology an awful lot over the last few months and it is very important to stay safe online just as you do in the real world.

Task 1

Staying safe online

Watch Episode 3 – Playing games


Talk about how to stay safe when playing games online.

Task 2

Choose an activity to complete.



Task 3

It is important to understand that sometimes things don’t appear quite ‘right’ online and can be dangerous or distressing.

When should you ask an adult for help or advice?

Who are personal ‘safe’ adults who children can trust about online worries?

Can you sort these scenarios into two groups?

  1. Does it feel right?
  2. Does it feel wrong?


Have a great summer and STAY SAFE! 





It’s the end of the school year! All the staff in Year 2 would like to say WELL DONE and THANK YOU for being such a great, hardworking class.


Here’s a poem I’ve written for you. I hope you enjoy it!


Amelia, every day you make me smile,

And Tommy tells a joke, every once in a while.

Betsy a gymnast through and through,

And Javier, your confidence just grew and grew.

Penelope, your artistic eye just blew me away,

And Inaaya, the school rules you always obey.

Ehtasham your manners are great,

And Omar, remember those Skittles you ate!

Evie’s a great friend to one and all,

And Zhuokai’s very talented when playing football.

Ralph your efforts in school are simply superb,

And Moosa, is ‘jumping’ a verb?

Saif, such a character, who will be missed,

And Hafsa, when hula hooping, can really twist.

Leon is patient, kind and caring,

And Jiya is too, especially when sharing.

Theo, your head’s overflowing with fiction and facts,

And Kian, is talented with add and subtract.

Edith, a pleasure to work with and teach,

And Sunny, is now confident with his speech.

Cate, you bring sunshine into our class,

And, Danny, when given a challenge, will never pass.

Evan, your outstanding efforts should be praised,

And Ewan, with your worldly knowledge, you always amaze.

Hardev, your reading has got better and better,

And Jaiden, a developing, spelling checker.

Parnita, a hidden gem, her hand goes up more,

And Olivia, in many ways you’ve really matured.

Rufus, we’ve really got to know you,

And Sienna, your spelling scores were impressive, too!

Well, Year 2, the time is now here,

To say farewell, and a great BIG cheer.

Each one of you has progressed in many ways,

And, as you know, we love to praise.

Year 3 is waiting around the bend,

Good luck to you all we’d like to send!







Week 14: 16 July 2020: Home learning

Hello children

First of all, I’d like to share a poem I wrote for you. I hope you enjoy it!


Task 1

Who was Roald Dahl?

Celebrating Roald Dahl – Hillside Primary School | Baddeley Green ...

I’d like you to take a look around the Roald Dahl Museum. There is so much to see and lots of online activities. Have fun on your visit and note down anything you find very interesting.


Task 2

LO: I can predict

Look at these closely at these pictures. 

Now, answer these questions.

Who is the main character?

What do you think is in the box that’s on the seat in the van? Explain your answer.

Where could the van be going?

True or false? This story is set in a hot place. You need to give reasons for your answer.

Do you think this story will make you laugh?


Oktapodi | Short film youtube, Stop motion, Amazing gifs CGSAFARI HD : "Oktapodi " Oscar 2009 Animated Short Film | Short ... 28 Best Tai lung images | Kung fu panda, Tai, Kung fu Teacher Tip: Use Animated Videos to Help Your Child Learn to Make ... Oktapodi - YouTubeOktapodi 2007 Oscar 2009 Animated Short Film - video dailymotion

Now, you can enjoy the film.

Were your predictions correct?


Task 3


Sing along with this song. Read the words as you go.


So long, farewell (from the Sound of Music)

There’s a sad sort of clanging
From the clock in the hall
And the bells in the steeple, too
And up in the nursery

An absurd little bird
Is popping out to say coo-coo
(Coo-coo, coo-coo)

coo-coo Regretfully they tell us
coo-coo But firmly they compel us
coo-coo To say goodbye
To you

So long, farewell
Auf wiedersehen, goodnight
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight
So long, farewell
auf Wiedersehen, adieu
Adieu, adieu
To you and you and you
So long, farewell
Au revoir, auf Wiedersehen
I’d like to stay
And taste my first champagne

So long, farewell
Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
I leave and heave
A sigh and say goodbye
I’m glad to go
I cannot tell a lie
I flit, I float
I fleetly flee, I fly
The sun has gone
To bed and so must I
So long, farewell
auf Wiedersehen, goodbye


Now, write a list of any words that are new to you. Can you find out what they mean?

Week 14: 15 July 2020: Home learning

Top 23 happy Wednesday Quotes | SO LIFE QUOTES

Good morning!

Today, you have the usual 3 tasks.

Task 1

Listen to this story about a cautious caterpillar.

Now, answer the questions.



Task 2

Now, it’s your turn to be a butterfly. Soon, you will be spreading your wings and moving from Year 2 to Year 3.

Who is this man?


Yes, it’s Mr Wain! He is going to be your new class teacher. If you look on our Class News page, you will see a short video he has made for you all.

You know a few things about Mr Wain but he doesn’t know much about you!

I’d like you to do one of the following activities to help Mr Wain get to know more about you.

  • write a letter/postcard all about yourself
  • draw and label a picture of yourself
  • complete this booklet

tf-or-3-the-cautious-caterpillar-spreading-my-wings-from-year-2-to-year-3_ver_2 (1)

  • complete this selfie activity


Task 3

Let’s get creative. Use your imagination to make and decorate a butterfly.

This one uses a footprint!

Butterfly Feet - A Craft You Can Make With Your Kids | Blissfully ...

You can use whatever materials you like to create your butterfly. Here are a few more ideas to help.


Here is the outline of a butterfly. You don’t have to use it!


Enjoy this song whilst you work.


Week 13: 10 July 2020: Home learning

Only one more week to go!

You all deserve a HUGE I Can Make Your Hands Clap (Minions Handclap Despicable Me 3 ... for all of your efforts.

We are VERY proud of every single child in our class. Medal Clipart Proud Teacher , Png Download - Circle, Transparent ...

Here are today’s tasks.

Task 1

Art – L.S. Lowry

LO: I can draw matchstick figures.

Drawing Matchstick Figures
You are going to draw a range of stick figures using a pencil.
Imagine what your matchstick figures are doing and use their poses to show action/movement.
Here are some tips to help you.


Doc 1

Doc 2

Remember to send us your drawings, please.

Task 2


Free Love Reading Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art ...

Guess what?

It’s our Friday Love of Reading session. You all know what to do. I’d love to know what you are enjoying reading.

Task 3

Have fun with this singing lesson.


Enjoy your weekend and let’s hope the Sun Clip Art at Clker.com - vector clip art online, royalty free ... shines!


Week 13: 09 July 2020: Home learning


Your first task today is maths. Here are some revision sheets I’d like you to have a go at.


be the teacher

how many

Task 2


L. S. Lowry

Can you remember some facts about this talented artist?

LS Lowry: Lost painting to go on sale after 70 years - BBC News

LO: I can compare two paintings by the same artist.

Today, you are going to imagine that you have stepped into two of Lowry’s paintings. Record your thoughts and feelings either the activity sheet below or draw your own version. You can use words and pictures.

2 pictures

recording sheet

Task 3


Have a go at this activity to help you to improve your reading skills. There are 8 questions to answer.


Have a good day!






Week 13: 08 July 2020: Home Learning

Good morning, Year 2!

How are you all?

Here are your tasks for today.

Task 1


Do you know your 2s, 5s and 10 times tables? By the end of Year 2, you should know these. Keep working on them!

Here are a few activities to help you.



prob-solv_revision_2963 (1)

Task 2


A Balloon For Grandad: Amazon.co.uk: Gray, Nigel, Ray, Jane ...

Listen to this story about family love crossing continents. Sam has a bright red balloon. That is, he does until it blows out the window. But Sam’s dad tells him not to be sad, Sam’s balloon has gone on an exciting journey across mountains, seas, deserts and rivers, all the way to his Grandad Abdulla’s house . . . and now Grandad will be happy knowing Sam is thinking of him.

Now have a go at answering these questions.


Task 3


J.S. Lowry

Watch this short video about one of the world’s most famous artists.


Let’s visit The Tate Art Gallery………..


Look at these drawings. Which is your favourite and why>


Now it’s your turn…

Don’t forget to send us your work.




What’s been going on at home this week?

Here’s a quick catch up of some the super activities happening at home. This week we’ve had caterpillars, plants (and worm juice), painting, four leaf clovers, conjunctions, eggsellent experiments, reading thermometers, temperature adjectives, super heroes, transition to Year 3 activities and two HUGE fruit kebabs!

It’s been great to see all the photos that have been sent this week – thank you.