Charlotte’s Web

The children in school have been enjoying listening to a story called Charlotte’s Web.

Charlotte’s Web is a children’s novel by American author E. B. White and illustrated by Garth Williams and it was published on October 15, 1952. The novel tells the story of a livestock pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a barn spider named Charlotte.

One of the all-time great classics of children’s literature. This gentle story has inspired readers for generations. Readers discover how we should make and keep friends and how we should treat each other.

Wilbur the pig’s life has already been saved by Fern, but when he is sold to her uncle, he realises his life is in even more danger.

His heroine is a hairy spider who sucks the blood out of flies, aided by a rat, and they’re working to save Wilbur from the reality of every working barn.  Enter Charlotte A. Cavatica, a beautiful large grey spider. Charlotte is determined to keep Wilbur from the chopping block, and comes up with an ingenious way to do just that. Charlotte’s Web is a classic tale of friendship, bravery and some animal magic.

This week, the children have made their own versions of Charlotte. The concentration in the room was quite something!

Well done, Years 3 and 4!



Week 12: Home learning: 03 July 2020

Happy Friday!

Today, all your tasks are linked to reading. I hope you enjoy them.

Task 1

Reading and exploring poetry

Voices of Water

Task 2

Who can remember the story of George’s Marvellous Medicine? George's Marvellous Medicine English planning | Teaching Resources

We read the book earlier in the year. What can you remember about the characters?

Using the book George’s Marvellous Medicine you are going to learn how to summarise information from an extract and write a description inspired by Roald Dahl.

The Story Behind George's Marvellous Medicine | News | Rose Theatre

There are 3 activities to choose from.

Activity 3 looks great! Here are some templates to help you if needed.




Task 3

Love of Reading

Sit back and relax with a good book.

Relax with a Good Book by KelliRoos on DeviantArt

20 Inspiring Quotes About Reading for Kids and Students ...



Week 12: Home learning: 02 July 2020


Thursday 7th May – Broughton PrimaryGood morning!

Here are your tasks for today.

Task 1


LO: temperature



Task 2


LO: To use adjectives.

This work links with today’s maths learning.  On the sheet attached are some adjectives to describe temperature. You need to order the words from coldest to warmest.

Temperature Adjectives Activity Sheet

Next, write a sentence for each word and add another adjective.

Here’s one to help.

The chilly, wild wind blew my umbrella out of my hand.

maths adjectives

Task 3


What do you know about dinosaurs?

Would a T.rex catch a Triceratops? What did a Stegosaurus eat? How do we know what dinosaurs looked like?

Have a go at this lesson and have fun! Asteroid 'definitely' to blame for dinosaur extinction, say ...






Week 12: 01 July 2020: Home learning

Can you believe that we are in week 12 of home learning!

It is simply amazing how well everyone has adapted to this.

Please let us know if you would be in the class Zoom meeting as soon as possible. We are working on a date and time and will let you know the details soon.

Have a go at this morning challenge to warm up your brains.


You have the usual 3 tasks to complete today.

Task 1

LO: Extending sentences using connectives.

Complete the worksheets below.

Here is an example to help you.

If I could go into space, I would be lonely because none of my friends Space Space Research Transparent & PNG Clipart Free Download - YAWDwould be there.   



Task 2


Every now and then we will revisit some previous learning. Today, we are going to look at place value.

LO: revision of place value

There are quite a few activities here. You can have a go at all of them or maybe just 2 or 3 over a few days.

place value

100_square_number_challenges (1)

challenges  measurement

Task 3

Let’s think about your transition to Year 3.

Before our Zoom meeting, we would like you to complete the attached booklet. If you aren’t able to print it out then you can write down all your favorite facts about being in Year 2.


We are hoping to get a message from your new teacher to show you during our meeting.

Then, choose one of these activities to complete ready for Year 3.  The resources are all based on a superhero theme and include written and art activities that can be added to your classroom as a display. Here are some suggestions about how to use them:

  • Superhero Profile – Ask children to complete this activity sheet. It asks them for a superhero name, their secret identity (their real name), their super powers (what subjects / activities they are good at), their weaknesses (things they would like to get better at) and ways that they are going to change the world (their hopes and dreams for the future).
  • Superhero Shield Design – Challenge pupils to create a design to match their superhero character. Can they think of appropriate images to add to the design (to highlight their strengths / talents / interests)?
  • Or, you can design your own Year 3 super hero.






Finally, here’s a short story for you to enjoy at the end of your learning.



Hobby Half Day

In school, the children get an afternoon a term where they take part in different hobbies. As this can’t happen this term, we decided to have an activity themed morning painting pottery. After choosing their preferred money pot, the group set to work painting. We each chose song to listen to whilst working!

Well done, everyone!     Well done | Dunbar Primary School P1's Class Blog


26 June 2020: Home learning

Happy Friday!

Your first task today is Love of Reading.

Find your favorite book, sit back and enjoy.

Here is a book review for you. Choose your favorite fiction and non fiction books to review.


Task 2

Revision of money

Here are a few activities. You can choose all the activities or one/two.

The first activity is for you to pretend to go shopping. You need to buy 2/3/4/ items and work out how much you have spent altogether.

An extra challenge would be to work out your change from £1, £2 and £5.




Good luck!

Task 3

Repeat pattern making

When thinking about shape in your designs, don’t just think about the shape of the end product.

Shapes can be used decoratively for a lot of products too.

Tessellation is when shapes fit together in a pattern with no gaps or overlaps.

A Fun Interactive Tessellation Tool - 123ICT 123ICT

The following short film gives an explanation of tessellation and shows it working, or not working, with different shapes.

Tessellating Capitals

I know that when doing symmetry we often have a look at CAPITAL LETTERS. We could try tessellating certain ones, deciding on good ones to try and those that would be no good.
A simple one to start with is the letter C – see what has happened when I’ve tried to tessellate them:


Slightly different …


Do you see how they are different?
Now try another one or two for yourself!

Capital F also seems a good one, but maybe it’s a little harder.


I decided to lay two of them down like this:


Then playing about with putting them together I got:


This I was quite happy with, so I thought that having shown you, you could try some for yourself.

Here are some sheets to help if you need them.



Please send us your tessellations.



25 June 2020: Home learning

Good morning!

Let’s start the day with some mindfulness.

Did you guess the animals yesterday?

  • octopus
  • seahorse
  • dolphin
  • shark
  • crab

Task 1


Today we will be…
Identifying different parts of ocean animals and finding out what they are used for.

Have a look at these slides and try to answer the questions as you go. There is a quiz at the end so make sure you are paying attention!

lesson 2

Why not make your own quiz and test someone at home.

Task 2


LO: I can look for clues.

magic carpet

Task 3

Online safety

As we are all using technology a lot at the moment, it is important to remember how we keep ourselves safe whilst online.

What can you remember about online safety?

Have a go at these activities.

I wonder if you could design a poster/ leaflet to tell help younger children understand online safety? E-Safety Posters For Kids | St. Stephen's RC Primary School

Don’t forget to email your learning if you’d like us to see it.


24 June 2020

Good morning everyone! 

How is your week going?

Please keep emailing us. We really love to see what you have all been up to.

Also, please let us know if you would like to be part of our class Zoom meeting.

I hope you are all being extra careful in the warm weather. Here is a story about staying safe in the sun for you to enjoy.

5 Tips for Children's Sun Safety - Fort Saskatchewan Community ...

Task 1

Maths – revision of addition and subtraction

Revision 1



Task 2


LO: To be able to identify, describe and classify a variety
of ocean animals.

Can you answer these questions?

What is an ocean? Have you ever been on, in or near an ocean before? What was it like?

Watch this short clip.

Here are some slides all about animals in the ocean. Have a look through them and answer the questions. There is a ‘Guess Who‘ game at the end!

lesson 1

I will give you the answers tomorrow.

Task 3

Can you remember what a verb is?

Complete this activity on BBC Bitesize.

Complete activity 2 in your home learning books.

Activity 2: Let’s write some verbs

Write ten sentences that show things you have done in the past.

  • Make sure you use capital letters and punctuation correctly.
  • Highlight the verbs in each of your sentences

Here is an example: I have been swimming in a pool.


Busy Bees

Mrs Taylor and Mrs Freeman really enjoyed being able to catch up with lots of you over the phone last week. It was great to speak to the children and hear all about the different things you have all been up to.

Have a look at some of these photos to find out what your classmates have been doing at home.

Take a seat

In school, the children have been designing and constructing chairs. We looked at many different examples and enjoyed sketching some.

Doing design and technology, whilst social distancing, is tricky! However, the children were mature and followed the rules well.

The finished products!