Amazing artwork

Today, the children in school learnt all about Amelia Mary Earhart. She was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Bones discovered on a Pacific island belong to Amelia Earhart, a ...

After lots of discussion about Amelia’s heroic adventures, we had a go at drawing some pictures of her in an aircraft.

I’m sure you will agree that the sketches are superb!

Well done, Ewan, Bridget, Harman, Vedant, Shameeska, Jodie and Sam.

Another busy week at home…

Another week has passed by. Well done to everyone for continuing with your home learning as much as you can.

This week, we have been scientists, spellers, artists, designers, photographers, poets, clock watchers and much much more.

Enjoy the weekend and stay safe!

22 May 2020: Home learning


Welcome to yet another Friday!

These weeks seem to be flying by!

To start our Funky Friday, let’s get dancing!

Have you ever tried Bollywood dancing? Have a go by following the link below.

Task 1

Spelling test

The spellings this week have all had the suffix -ful or –less added to them (some words had both). Some of the words had an extra rule to follow when adding the suffix: drop the y for an i.

Your test involves putting the correct word into the missing space.

Can you write the correct words into the gaps?

Task 2


LO: quarter to and quarter past

At the top of the first sheet, you will see the answers to yesterday’s challenges.



challenges 1

Task 3

Freedom Friday

Just like last week, you can choose a task from my list or do one of your own.

  1. Vincent Van Gogh was a very famous artist. Find out more about him and his artwork here.

Who is Vincent van Gogh? – Who Are They? | Tate KidsSymbols of happiness
The Sunflowers is one of the most popular paintings in the National Gallery and it was the picture that Van Gogh was most proud of.

Why sunflowers?
Sunflowers had a special significance for Van Gogh. He made seven versions of them.
Yellow, for him, was a symbol of happiness.

Can you create your own sunflower picture? You can choose what to use to create it.

Here are a few ideas and a tutorial.

Year One Paint Vincent Van Gogh Sunflowers | Skippers Hill Manor ...Van Gogh | Kindergarten art, Kindergarten art projects, Montessori artVan Gogh inspired sunflower! Practical activity for KS1 | Van goghKids Can Draw: Vincent Van Gogh Sunflowers with First Grade Art ...

Sunflower Button Art by on ...

2. Plant/tree art

Have you ever tried bark rubbing or leaf printing?

Have a look at some examples below.

Invent your own plant or tree masterpiece.

Parts of a plant/tree--good plants unit art project! | Science ...Image result for tree parts preschool | Creative curriculum ...Leaf Prints | Kids' Crafts | Fun Craft Ideas | FirstPalette.combig leaf printing | Nature crafts, Fall crafts, Leaf craftsEasy Leaf Printing on Rocks Autumn Craft | Projects with KidsWhat I Pack In Our Nature Study Bag | Nature activities, Nature ...Leaf Rubbings | Kids' Crafts | Fun Craft Ideas |

3. Build a garden

Can you create a garden? It needs to have plants, flowers and trees. It can be a plan on paper or a 3D model. I know that some of you will love this opportunity. Have fun!

Design a miniature garden / RHS Campaign for School GardeningHow to make an Easter Garden - Jacintaz311 Best Shoe box garden images | Shoe box, Miniature fairy gardens ...shoebox kids craft garden woodland countryside outdoor scene ...Lego Challenge Cards | Teaching ResourcesLego Flowers (001) Building Instructions - LEGO Classic How To ...

21 May 2020: Home learning

Hello everyone

How is your week going?

Keep sending your photos. It is great to see what you have all been up to!

Today, we are going to start with reading.

Task 1


LO: I can use punctuation to help me read with expression.

Read and shiver at enjoy the monster poem, It’s Behind You! by David Harmer.

It’s Behind You!

Now, answer these questions.

What is the punctuation mark called at the end of the title?
Highlight all the exclamation marks in the poem. How many are there?
Why are they there?
Highlight all the words in capital letters.

Why has the writer done this with these words?
Read the poem again. This time, use the exclamation marks and capital letters as a guide to where to really stress lines and/or words.
Ask someone to listen to you read.
Can they hear how good it sounds?

What do you think the monster in the poem would actually have looked like?
Draw your ideas of the monster.

Task 2 


LO: I can tell the time to the hour and half past the hour.

Tell the time at o'clock and half past - YouTubeComplete the work on the link below.


You can have a go at drawing your own clock face. Draw on the hands and write the correct time.

O'CLOCK and HALF PAST times on a clock face | Teaching Resources

Now, for a bit of fun! Let’s see what you can remember about last week’s maths learning.

Task 3


LO: I know which parts of a plant we can eat.

Complete this task.

You can choose to cut and stick the pictures or draw your own.



Extra activity


Observational drawing is drawing what you see and we have done this activity in class before.

It can be a flower, a person, a still life, a landscape, whatever. But it’s drawing what you see in front of you as realistically and as true to life as possible.

Observational drawing is a great exercise in seeing.
When we look at something with the intent of drawing it, we tend to look more carefully than usual. We see, truly see, the shapes, the patterns, the colors and the shadows.

Choose a piece of fruit or a vegetable to sketch. Look closely at the shape and patterns.

Here are a few ideas.

Assignment 2 – Nicola Walker

Art and Design – St Francis Catholic Primary School



20 May 2020: Home learning

Good morning, Year 2!

The weather is warming up! Enjoy the sunshine and take regular breaks from your learning.

Task 1


We are going to focus on some poetry and I would like you to start with reading the poem on the link. Then, complete the activities.

word doc

Do you have a family pet monday

Task 2


Comparing locations

Complete the lesson. Think about whether the environment is similar or different where you live.

Task 3

Maths – Problem solving

I have given you an assortment of challenges to work your way through.

Complete the number sequences.

My coat has three different buttons.

Clip Buttons Metal Jacket Transparent & PNG Clipart Free Download ...Free Buttons Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...Free Buttons Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...Sometimes, I do them up starting with the top button. Sometimes, I start somewhere else.

How many ways can you find to do up my coat?

How will you remember them?

Do you think there are any more? How do you know?





15 May 2020: Home learning

Friday is here again!Hey Everybody It's Friday... Pictures, Photos, and Images for ...




You have all been very busy this week and produced some super home learning. Don’t forget to keep checking the class news page.

We have a few things to get through today and I’ve given you a ‘Freedom Friday session.’ I will explain this a bit later on.

Task 1


Listen to my sentences and write down the correct homophone.

There are 5 sentences but remember you only need to write the word not the whole sentence. Pause the recording after each one.

Times tables

We have been learning our tables throughout the year.

Listen to the recorded times tables test. Try to answer each question.


Task 2

LO: To be able to correctly use exclamation marks in sentences.

Complete this activity.

Task 3

Freedom Friday

Today, you can choose one (or more if you wish) of the activities below.

  1.  The Great Race

She turned in the saddle and looked behind her. Emma could see the others gaining on her. Digging in her heels, she wispered some words of encouragement in the ostrich’s ear as it burst into full speed. They were making good time but there was still a lot further to go…….

Can you continue the story? Who is chasing Emma? Is this a race or some sort of an adventure?

image of the day

2. Junk modellingwhy not upcycle some waste materials in order to make something new? What can you find to make a model with? Be as creative as you like! Don’t forget to send a picture of your model to us.

Here are a few ideas.

Junk model ideas - NurtureStore

ideas for junk model making for boys - Google Search | Junk ...Super cereal box fun - CBeebies - BBC

36 Best Junk modelling ideas images | Junk modelling, Crafts for ...Junk modelling | Salford Community Leisure

3. Challenge your teacher

We have had one quiz already from lots of you. I enjoyed trying to work out who was who in the baby photos. Some of you haven’t changed at all!

Can you think of another way to challenge us? You are now the teacher and you need to set us some home learning!

Below is a challenge for you.

There are 10 pennies in the shape of a triangle. Can you turn the triangle upside down? YOU CAN ONLY MOVE 3 OF THE COINS!


Only 3 Moves Allowed - YouTubeFlip the TriangleGreat learning this week everyone!

Enjoy the weekend and stay safe! Wave Goodbye to Mercury with CoolLED! - OEM illumination


14 May 2020: Home learning

Its Thursday Welcome To A New Day Pictures, Photos, and Images for ...

Firstly, we apologise for the difficulties some of you had accessing the reading recording. We have now posted a separate page with all the chapters on.

How many times have you read the fluency text this week? We always read it daily in school.

How many times have you practised your times tables this week? 

Information for parents

Remember to try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.
Also, here is new content on BBC Bitesize, with three lessons each day: and Oak National Academy (ONA), also with three lessons each day: There’s also White Rose:

Listen to chapter 4 of this week’s story. Just sit back and enjoy!

Task 1

We are going to start our day with some Living and Learning. Here is the statement for this week.

I recognise the importance of money.

This Living and Learning statement helps to introduce the importance of money. First of all, have a go at answering the questions below.

Where does our money come from?

How does money make us feel?

What can we use our money for?

How does our money help people?

How can we look after our money?

Today, we are going to focus on how money makes us feel.

LO: I know that money may make me feel happy or sad.

LO: I can describe the way money makes me feel.

Begin the activity by reading the story of Tom’s coins.


  • Discuss what happened to Tom.
  • What was the result of Tom losing his money?
  • How might Tom have avoided losing his pocket money?
  • What would you advise Tom to do next time?

Now, read the story of Annie’s purse.

Talk about what happened to Annie.

Choose an activity to complete. You can do more than one.

  1. Can you write an ending to Annie’s story?
  2. Imagine you found Annie’s purse at the swimming pool. Write about what you would do.
  3. Have you ever lost some money?  Have you ever found some money? What did you do?
  4. Write a list of five things to remember about keeping our money safe.

What is thankfulness?

Thankfulness is an attitude of heart, acknowledging and enjoying all the good things that we have been given.

It is important to say ‘thank you’ when someone is kind or generous to us.

How many times have you said thankyou today?

Task 2


Here is a spelling quiz for you.

Their vs

Task 3


Click on this link and learn how to make music without instruments.

Have fun!







13 May 2020: Home learning

Hi everyone

First of all, here are the answers to yesterday’s maths.

answers to Tuesday

Mrs Maqbool has been writing a journal during her time at home. She has recorded a beautiful poem and hopes you all enjoy it.





Lots to do today! Shall we crack on? OTalk on Twitter: "Right, lets crack on with tonights #OTalk chat ...

Yes, I hear you all shout! 

Task 1


LO: To describe turns.

Let’s dance!

We are going to continue with using positional and directional language. This fits in well with our geography learning. I have explained your learning on the slides below.

Day 2 position direction

Using your maths learning, complete this pirate activity.

pirate map (1)

Task 2


Listen to chapter 3 of How to NOT  go to school.

Chapter 3

What about friends?

LO: I can look for clues in a text.

Here are 3 imaginary friends mentioned in this chapter. Each friend has 2 questions to answer.
Evil Eggbert
He’s about the size of an egg and he sits on my shoulder telling me to do shockingly evil things. Once, he told me to trap my little brother under a laundry basket with three heavy dictionaries on top to stop him escaping. Don’t worry… I almost never do what Eggbert tells me to.

  1.  True or false?  Evil Eggbert is a kind, caring friend?
  2. Explain what type of friend you think he is.

Parsley the Imaginary Guinea-Pig
I invented her before I had any real guinea-pigs. And then it wouldn’t have been fair to get rid of her just because I got real ones. Anyway, the real guinea-pigs don’t mind that she’s imaginary. Also, I named her after myself because I was really young then and didn’t have a very good imagination.

  1.  What is the name of the imaginary guinea-pig?
  2.  Explain why this name was chosen.

PomPom the Ninja
He’s an imaginary ninja who looks after the imaginary unicorns at the end of my garden. Sometimes the other ninjas make fun of him for liking unicorns so much, but he doesn’t mind because unicorns are AWESOME. (They eat fairy dust and poop RAINBOWS)

  1. What job does PomPom the Ninja do?
  2. Does he work inside or outside? Explain how you know.

Finally, choose your favourite imaginary friend. Draw a picture of them and label it.

Task 3


This lesson was posted on Friday. If you have completed it then have a go at some tree art. Be as creative as you like. You could choose do create a full tree or part of one. Here are some ideas.

Wood Line Drawing Wood outline 5.jpg | How to draw wood, Texture ...

How to Draw Tree TrunksTrees

12 Autumn Tree Art Ideas for Kids | Arty Crafty KidsRainbow Trees Art Lesson for kids - Leah Newton ArtAutumn Handprint Tree | Arty Crafty Kids

LO: What is a deciduous and an evergreen tree?
Look through this powerpoint presentation and discuss.
What does evergreen mean?
What does deciduous mean?
Can you name 3 evergreen trees?
The Acer tree in Mrs Freeman’s photo is a deciduous tree. Describe what will happen to the leaves on my tree.

These photos are of 2 different types of tree in my garden. Can you describe the leaves of each tree? Think about how they might feel. What is the same and what is different?

Now, take a close look at this picture.
The four seasons of the deciduous Oak tree.

The tree is pictured in winter, summer, spring and autumn. Can you work out which part of the tree is in which season?

What season are we in now?
Can you draw your own tree showing all 4 seasons? Splitting it into sections and using colour will help.
When you are out and about, look around at the different types of trees. Take a notebook and record what you see.

Here’s a fun song for you to enjoy!

Well done Year 2!   144 Good Work Themed Teacher Reward Stickers - Large - Sticker Stocker