20 April 2018

In preparation for next week’s Living & Learning theme, this week’s homework is Creative and due on Thursday 26 April.

I can recognise emotions in myself and others.

Last week, we did some artwork about different emotions by showing a variety of facial expressions and their associated colours. For next week, children should complete another piece of emotions artwork about themselves and in other people.


This week, we’ve been looking over our tests from last week to find out where we went wrong and to understand how to improve.

One fun way we did this was to use the online learning games website Kahoot!

If you want to try it at home, you can make your own quizzes about anything at all! (Yours doesn’t have to be about grammar and punctuation like Miss Wilson made!)

Jess said: “Kahoot is very fun because you get to do quizzes and you work as a team to try and win the quiz.  I like those sorts of things.”

Emma described Kahoot in three words: “Fun, competitive quiz.”

Ethan L said, “It’s exciting because you answer the question and you can see where your team is coming, like first, second or third and you can see how many points you’ve got.”

Each question was based around the themes of the grammar test we did last week so after we’d spotted our mistakes we had another go using the online quiz. We could chat about why certain answers were correct but also why certain answers couldn’t be correct.

Here are some screen grabs from our online grammar review!

The question appeared with four possible answers below. Children, in teams of two using an iPad between them, clicked on the correct corresponding answer on their device. Bonus points were awarded for speed!

Each round showed a summary for how many teams were successful.

Some questions were harder than others, especially under a time pressure.

These ones proved to have the widest spread of answers but this gave us lots to discuss about which answer was correct and more importantly why.

The scoreboard kept us on our toes and it was very exciting when your team name popped up! Notice how we used usernames instead of our real names. As Kashif said, “Real names are private information online.”

At the end of the quiz, we found out the winner. 18/20 isn’t bad at all! Well done to everyone for their enthusiasm and contribution!


23 March 2018

This week’s spelling list is formed with the words that were most commonly misspelled on our recent spelling test. There isn’t a pattern with these words but could you think of any fun ways to remember how to spell them? If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out!

  • Can you show your words in a creative way?
  • Can you write them in your own sentences?
improve couple invisible allowed rough
cough special imagine final sleepily

23 March 2018

This week the homework is creative and is due Thursday 29 March:

I can recognise my talents.

As we’re coming to the end of our Being Me half term topic, it’s important to recognise why it’s good to be us! We want children in Year 3 to recognise that everyone is good at something and it could be anything! This homework is a great opportunity to show your talents in a creative way.

We had some ideas in class for how to show this week’s homework. You could:

  • draw a poster
  • design a piece of art
  • film your talent
  • create a song/poem/rap
  • make a presentation
  • write a story about your talent
  • use a computer to help

Have fun!

We science

Yesterday, we had a visitor who is studying medicine at Leeds University.

He came to teach us about the heart and circulatory system. We got to use stethoscopes! It was really cool!

However, they did garner some mixed results!

We carried out an experiment about what happens to your heart during exercise.

  • “We measured before exercising for ten seconds, then we measured straight after and then a minute after.” – Felix
  • “Your heart pumps faster when you exercise and then slows down.” – Liam

Lastly, we enjoyed a quiz to test how much we’d learnt!

16 March 2018

This week’s homework is Talk Time and is in preparation for next week’s Living and Learning theme (I know the difference between being proud and showing off).

What makes you proud?

Have a chat about anything and everything that makes you beam with pride. Perhaps it’s achievements or accomplishments, friends or family – whatever it is, be ready to explain and discuss in class on Thursday 22 March.

16 March 2018

This week’s spellings either have the prefix sub- or tele-. Your first task is to find out what both prefixes mean. This week’s activity is to find out the correct word that matches the definition. Once you’ve finished, write each word in your own sentence.

  • Can you write them all in some silly sentences or a silly story?
  • Can you draw the word to represent its definition?


West Yorkshire Police have encountered an incident that requires immediate help from Year 3 at Moortown Primary School. Unfortunately, we are unable to reveal exact details at this point, but Mrs Burgess was granted access to capture two images inside the evidence locker.

The lower KS2 journalists will be able to release further information later in the week, when granted permission by West Yorkshire Police.

Watch this space.

Living and learning – what might change about me?

Continuing our Being me Living & Learning, we had a discussion in class about our similarities and differences. We talked about what makes us unique to others and we also came up with things we were good at.

Next, we compiled these differences into a whole class list and split them into three categories:

We realised we are all different but these interests and qualities are ever-changing. When we read out what we were good at, we stood up to show we agreed and thought we were good at the same thing. Lots of us were up and down like yoyos, proving that although we may have contrasting lives, we often share similar strengths and weaknesses.