23 February 2018

This week’s homework is Talk Time and will be discussed on Thursday 01 March.

Should zoos be banned?

Have a discussion about whether or not animals should be kept in zoos or whether or not we should close them down. Whichever side of the debate you fall on, come up with arguments for both sides and be ready to discuss them in class.

Living and Learning – I stay safe online

This week’s homework was Talk Time and generated brilliant discussion in class. It became obvious that everyone in Y3 had taken on board what has been spoken about and learnt in school and this was talked about in depth at home.

We collected the key points as a class:

Here’s an example of what this may look like in books. (Obviously it doesn’t have to be recorded like this but this was awesome!)

Keep up the good work, everyone.

Features of living things

Have you ever met MRS GREN? She’s the friendly old acronym that helps us understand the features of living things.

  • Movement
  • Respiration 
  • Sensitivity
  • Growth
  • Reproduction
  • Excretion 
  • Nutrition 

Can you guess which feature we’re acting out in the clips below?






“Movement is when a human’s body moves or a plant moves towards the sun.” – Yusayrah

“Respiration is when you breathe and get oxygen from the air.” – Leo

“Sensitivity is when something happens in the environment and it causes you to act upon it.” – Henka

“Growth is when you get bigger from eating. A plant needs water and sun to grow from a seed.” – Rayn

“Reproduction is when something has babies.” – Ethan C

“Excretion is getting rid of waste.” – Hifza

“Nutrition is the food we eat like fruit.” – Priya

Susie the snake

Today, Y3 tackled some tricky problem solving in maths.

“Susie the snake has up to 20 eggs. When she counts them in 4s, she has 3 left over. When she counts them in 5s, she has 4 left over. How many eggs might Susie have?”

Think you could work out all the possibilities? We used counters and cubes to help us.

We recorded number sentences to match the story problem.

“19 because 5 + 5 + 5 + 4 = 19.”

“15 because 3 x 4 + 3 = 15.”

We discovered seven possibilities! Do you think you could find them all?

Are you safe online?

Today, we had a brilliant visitor who came in to talk to us about being safe online. This links to our Living and Learning theme I can make safe choices.

We discussed the fun activities we do online…

…and how we can do them safely. Have you ever heard of YouTube Kids? Make sure your profile settings are always set to private and you only chat or game with people that you know in real life and trust.

We sorted information into what was safe to share and what was unsafe to share which created lots of discussion and showed how clued up we already were.

Never tell anyone your personal information like where you live or your full name. It’s much safer to make up a different username for each game, such as MinecraftMonster or GlitterUnicorn21.

Make sure you tell an adult if anything is worrying you. Have fun online but be safe!

26 January 2018

This week’s spelling list is formed with words that have the suffix -ful. If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out! Think about the root word and how the suffix changes the meaning.

  • Can you show your words in a creative way?
  • Can you write them in your own sentences?
  • Can you order them alphabetically?
beautiful spoonful colourful helpful careful
thoughtful useful painful peaceful cheerful

26 January 2018

The homework this week is creative and should be returned to class by Thursday 01 February.

I can show my understanding of money.

In maths, this week, we’ve added and subtracted money and practised giving change. Some ideas for how to show this understanding creatively are:

  • make a quiz
  • make a shop or shopping list
  • make a song or rhyme
  • make a board game
  • make coins

Mimika Theatre

Magical thought Emily

Imaginative said Jemima

Mesmerising whispered Will

Incredible shouted Hifza

Kashif loved it

Albie’s allotment friends


Talha stated it was amazing

Harris loved the lifelike flamingo

Excited were Liam and Sakina

Astonishing scenes blew Leo away

Terrific and thrilling explained Parth

Rayn loved the monkey even though it made us jump

Educational entertainment about the world around us

  • written by Year 3

What is a safe risk?

…was this week’s homework task. In our review, we discussed lots of different safe and unsafe risks. It was evident that children had engaged brilliantly with adults at home – well done.

We linked taking risks to challenge, and talked about how both made us feel. Miss Wilson introduced us to the learning zone model which describes three different stages of learning – the comfort zone (where you feel safe and no risks are taken), the stretch zone (sometimes called the learning zone, where you are challenged and you grow and learn) and the panic zone (where the risk is too great and there is fear and anxiety). We placed each of our risks onto the learning zone model.

It was an interesting discussion as answers varied across the class and answers varied depending on the situation…

Image result for the learning zone model (senninger 2000)

“Challenge is when you might be scared or emotional. I wouldn’t ever give up and I would keep trying.” – Musa

“Division has been challenging for me because we used some tricky numbers.” – Ethan C

“Using a number line to subtract was hard. It made me feel a bit panicked because I didn’t like getting them wrong. When I worked with Mrs Burgess I got the hang of it and felt calm.”  – Safiya-Mishal




A special visitor…

We want to say a massive thank you to Mrs Khan who came in to talk to us about Muslim birth ceremonies.

The children loved finding out about a different religion or more about their own as part of this week’s RE learning.

“It was very interesting because I didn’t know that when a baby was born, they got someone special to sing.” – Harris

“I enjoyed learning more about my religion.” – Hifza

“I enjoyed learning about when people have to shave off their hair. They weighed the hair and they paid that amount of gold or silver to the poor.” – Leo