
Yoga and art- the newest craze to hit year 3! Whilst improving our flexibility and strength alongside our mindfulness, we also practised sketching in PE. Our aim is to build a bank of our favourite yoga poses.

Having been inspired by Cosmic Kids Yoga, we will use our sketches to create our own yoga story to retell to the class.

Merging our big topic Life Forces and our yogart, we will create weird and wonderful yoga stories about the world around us for us to increase our balance and inner peace.

Watch this space…

Investigating insulation

Insulation is cool! Or is it hot? Actually, it’s both! An insulator is a property of material that prevents heat from moving, keeping cold things cold and hot things hot!

Tyler Fish – a polar explorer – set us a challenge to find the best material for their new kit. The Arctic is extremely cold and temperatures can drop as low as -50 degrees Celsius so the material would have to keep them warm. We chose our materials and set up our equipment…

…three cups containing the same amount of warm water, which we wrapped in bubble wrap, felt and cotton, for example.

We made predictions about which material would be the best insulator. Carefully and with precision, we measured the starting temperature.

After 20 minutes, we measured the temperature again.

Working out the difference in temperature, we were able to work out the best material. Challenge your child to fill in the blanks:

The smaller the ___________, the better the ___________.

Each group was able to recommend their chosen material to Tyler for him to order new Arctic kit. Success!

Polar launch day

We were very excited to welcome a visitor – our polar ambassador Terry Kirk!

First, we had to find the Arctic before we could dive in.

But who really sits at the top of the food chain? We worked in groups to discuss the right order.

It turns out it’s a lot more complex than it seems! A more accurate term is food web. We were tasked with creating a food web mobile to demonstrate the pecking order. This required teamwork and problem solving. It was really tricky at first but we were extremely proud of our results!

Challenge question- what would happen to the animals that eat fish, if the fish were poisoned?

To get inspired by Boaty McBoatface and find upcoming events and activities, visit STEM Learning.

19 January 2018

This week’s spelling activity is an investigation. You need to find words that contain the ‘sh’ sound that’s spelt ‘ch‘. For example: in chef and machine.

  • How many different words can you find?
  • Can you spot any patterns?
  • Can you show your words in a creative way?
  • Can you write your words in your own sentences?

You need to learn these patterns in preparation for a test on Friday 26 January.

12 January 2018

This week’s spelling list is formed with words that have the prefixes mis– and re-. If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out!

  • Think about the root word and how the prefix changes the meaning.
  • Can you show your words in a creative way?
  • Can you write them in your own sentences?
mismatch misshape misfortune mistrust misspell
replay replace rethink recount reread

12 January 2018

The homework this week is creative and should be returned to class by Thursday 18 January.

I can show my understanding of division.

In maths, this week, we’ve used a range of strategies to help us divide: base ten, number lines and the ‘bus stop’ method. Some ideas for how to show this understanding creatively are:

  • make a game of snap
  • show grouping and sharing of objects
  • make a quiz
  • make a song or rhyme

05 January 2018

This week’s spelling activity is an investigation. You need to find words that contain the ‘g’ sound that’s spelt ‘gue’ and the ‘k’ sound spelt with ‘que’. For example: in catalogue and antique.

  • How many different words can you find?
  • Can you spot any patterns?
  • Can you show your words in a creative way?
  • Can you write your words in your own sentences?

You need to learn these patterns in preparation for a test on Thursday 11 January.

05 January 2018

This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect and is due in on Thursday 11 January:

I can describe my ideal imaginary friend.

Your task is to write a description of your dream imaginary friend, inspired by our current class picture book, Imaginary Fred. Our ideas in class were to describe:

  • their personality
  • their appearance
  • their hobbies
  • how they act
  • what they might wear

You could make your description interesting by using:

  • varied punctuation
  • exciting vocabulary
  • conjunctions
  • different sentence openers
  • varied sentence lengths

If you need any help, come in and see us before the due date!

What would happen if…?

  • “What would happen if we used Coke instead of water?”
  • “What would happen if we used card instead of kitchen roll?”
  • “What would happen if we used cold hot chocolate instead of water?”
  • “What would happen if we used lemonade?”
  • “What would happen if we used melted chocolate?”
  • “What would happen if we put our cups in a line?”

LO: To make predictions and perform a test.

Firstly, we predicted what would happen giving reasons to justify our opinion. For example:

  • “I think the kitchen roll will disappear and dissolve because Coke is fizzy.” – Phoebe
  • “I think the kitchen roll will go brown because the cold hot chocolate is brown.” – Emma
  • “I think the water won’t go into the other cup because card is heavier than kitchen roll.” – Noah

We took safe risks as we had no idea what would happen.

Next, we set up our experiments according to our plans and by remembering whose role was whose.

It was important to be responsible and work well within our teams.

We had to be ready to record observations at certain points in the day.

There was progress in some…

… but less so in others!

Either way, we reflected on our experiments at the end of the day by describing what went well and what we would change for next time.