Happy new year and a warm welcome back!
To get our brains back into gear, we’ve started this week with Science.
We were posed with the challenge of moving water from one cup to another – without touching the water or the cup, using only the following equipment:
A pipe cleaner, a square of kitchen roll, a plastic glove, packing peanuts, string, an elastic band and a newspaper.
Do you think you could crack the case?
After lots of (mostly failed) attempts, the answer was finally revealed…
It was the kitchen roll all along!
The walking water absorbed by the kitchen roll created this lovely rainbow effect which is so easy to recreate at home!
This got our scientific juices flowing, and we started to ask “What would happen if…?” to help us plan our own version of the experiment!
Here are some we came up with:
Watch this space, as we launch our own investigations in the coming week!